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Mean streets or mean decisions?

By Saeed Shabazz -Staff Writer- Political, social choices impact violence suffered by children in New York, say advocates NEW YORK ( - People literally danced in the streets of East New York, a Brooklyn neighborhood, when news of the arrest of a 27-year-old mentally challenged, ex-convict was announced. He allegedly killed 6-year-old Prince Joshua Avitto and stabbed the boy's 7-year-old friend Mikayla Capers...

World responds to Ferguson grand jury verdict

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM ( - Violence would erupt in the city of Ferguson should a St. Louis County, Mo., grand jury fail to indict White officer Darren Wilson for shooting unarmed Black youth Michael Brown, Jr., warned Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan shortly before the panel decided the Ferguson, Mo., police officer would face no charges. The level of oppression and...

Save Our Girls: Women in the classroom of God

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM MOSQUE MARYAM ( - Excitement and anticipation filled the air as Muslim women put righteousness, civilization, high science, unity and sisterhood on display during the unprecedented and special Save Our Girls: A Nation Can Rise No Higher Than Its Woman class at the Nation of Islam's flagship mosque. The historic meeting April 18 was designed to offer...

Tensions mount at LAPD public meeting

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM LOS ANGELES ( - Activists accused the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners with criminalizing dissent and challenged its new rules of decorum during a meeting last month. Members of Black Lives Matter, Stop LAPD Spying Coalition, Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA-CAN), and the Youth Justice Coalition charged the board with violating the Ralph M. Brown...

Blacks Actors, Producers In Hollywood Say Hurdles Still High

-Contributing Editor- CHICAGO–In the movie “Shaft,” the lead character is a baaad … well, you know the rest. But the actor who played the iconic character told an audience here that even John Shaft would have a difficult time navigating the hurdles of prejudice and racism that exist in Hollywood. Richard Roundtree joined a host of other Black Hollywood actors,...

Is The Water Unsafe To Drink In Pennsylvania Prison?

By Gregory Muhammad Pam Africa is the head of International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Philadelphia-based organization at the center of the international movement seeking Abu-Jamal's release. Ms. Africa received a phone call from one of her Move 9 family members, Mike Africa incarcerated at SCIGraterford, located in rural Pennsylvania, to inform her about the unusual smell, taste,...

Water Is Life Expo connects Flint and Standing Rock struggles

FLINT, Mich.–A weekend event devoted to connecting the Flint water crisis and Standing Rock anti-Dakota Access oil pipeline movement included workshops, entertainment, and a tour of the city. It was part of efforts to show how Black, Latino and poor suffering communities should be linked to the struggles of Native Americans in North Dakota fighting to protect...

Native Americans explain why “Thanksgiving”holiday is celebration of genocide

CHARLENEM No thanks to Thanksgiving ( - As people gather at dinner tables for home-cooked meals, family reunions and to count their blessings during the Thanksgiving holiday, Native Americans will commemorate the day too, but with a different perspective and account of their history and plight in the United States. “We're certainly not against giving thanks. As indigenous people we give thanks...

Independent autopsy reveals how young Muslim, father was shot in the back

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM Stephon Clark died within 3-10 minutes of being shot by police, not instantaneously, according to a forensic- and neuro-pathologist who released findings of an independent autopsy at a press conference a day after the young, Black male's funeral. “He was shot from the back. The first bullet wound was to the neck,” declared Dr. Bennet Omalu, who...

Should Blacks Consider SEPARATION?

CHARLENEM and Katrina Muhammad Next year will mark 400 years since a group of Africans arrived in Point Comfort, Va., after being kidnapped from their homeland to begin a life of brutality, subjugation and oppression as slaves to White colonizers in a strange land. The patriarch of the Nation of Islam, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the first Black Africans...