Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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The American White people are more concerned about mistreating the Black once-slave of America than America is concerned with any nation on earth that is attacking her out-lying posts. Her enemies are intensifying their attacks on her. America is right out of the frying pan into the fire all over the earth, due to her evil intentions against her...

Day of Resurrection of Dead So-Called Negroes Has Arrived

I don't have to say to the so-called Negroes that hell is for them in the White man's Christianity! They know it and have experienced it in this Christians' hell. The White Christians and their religion which they falsely say and teach is from Jesus is, in reality, from the Pope of Rome who is the head of...

The Coming of The Son of Man – The Infidels Are Angry

Who is His father if God is not His Father? God is His Father, but the Father is also a man. You have heard of old that God prepared a body, or the expected Son of Man; Jesus is a specially prepared man to do a work of redeeming the lost sheep (the so-called Negro). He had to have...

The Sure Truth

(Taken from Chapter 69 of the Holy Qur'an.) What is said there in Chapter 69 of the Holy Qur'an is so true and is being fulfilled in this day and time. This Chapter is warning the people in the time of the Resurrection of the mentally dead of what happened in the histories of former people who were doomed to...

The Two Worlds, The Two Camps

The World is divided into two camps -- Islam and Christianity. Christianity, or we may say, the White man, has been in power for 6,000 years. He has ruled independently since the birth of Moses, 4,000 years. Islam came to Israel from Moses. Israel rebelled and Nimrod broke the civilization of Moses in the 17th century from Moses. So...

Devils Fool And Disgrace You

Almighty Allah (God) and the Nation of Islam elsewhere (Asia and Africa, the Islands) are grieved and hurt to the heart to see you walking into the trap your enemies (the devils) have and still are setting for you. I am your sincere brother with the truth from your God and mine, which means your very life and the future...

The worst is yet to come

According to radio and television, and according to individual conversation–and according to conversation heard between government officials concerning their problem of trying to find a way to peace for their people–and a way to find stoppage of the fall of their money market and unemployment– and a stoppage to the revolutions between the dissatisfied and the dissatisfied–and to find...

Decline of the dollar

The stronghold of the American government is falling to pieces. She has lost her prestige among the nations of the earth. One of the greatest powers of America was her dollar. The loss of such power will bring any nation to weakness, for this is the media of exchange between nations. The English pound and the American dollar have...

The Dissatisfied

We are living in the time when dissatisfaction is 100 percent throughout the world of man and mankind. Therefore we are living among the dissatisfied persons, daily and nightly. No one is satisfied though they may be righteous. They are not satisfied because they are living among unrighteousness. So the whole entire world of the wicked and the righteous is...

Money, Good Homes, Friendship! by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Money, good homes and friendship in all walks of life is what God has promised us–the God Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, the Finder and Redeemer of us who were lost from our people and country for the past 400 years. He now offers to set us in heaven...