
Home Perspectives Page 64

Performers, producers, paternalism and Black-Jewish relations

There is a new Black-Jewish coalition in town and it’s composed of 170 entertainment leaders who purport to oppose racism and anti-Semitism in the industry. The goal of the Black Jewish Alliance would be a worthy one, if the purpose was to right wrongs done to Blacks and Jews in Hollywood, notwithstanding the self-admitted influence the Jewish community wields...

Black Love Is Rebellion

by Jasmine Gates —Guest Columnist— Have we considered love? It’s a question that should come to mind when the topic of Black Rebellion is being discussed.  Do we understand the power of love is not just how it feels, but the impact it leaves because of its ability to shift a thing like a curse that plagues an entire lineage? Do we...

You are still what you eat

Browsing through almost any news writings–papers, magazines, E-mails–it is virtually impossible to overlook the fact that, despite all the nutritional information that is being offered via newspapers, magazines, television, radio, billboards and all other means of mass information, the eating habits of our people seem to get worse, instead of better. A senior citizen magazine to...

When Hell freezes over …

By News The proverbial phrase when “Hell Freezes Over” became a reality when Hell, Mich., some sixty miles from Detroit reached -4 degrees and as low as -27 degrees. Death spread across America in January as weather-related tragedies struck, including car and truck pile-ups and a homeless man was found frozen solid behind a building in Maryland. In a...

News Analysis: Farrakhan and the press

WASHINGTON ( - The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's presence in Washington for the Millions More Movement provided the national press corps with rare access to the Nation of Islam leader. Although the Nation of Islam has rented the ballroom at the National Press Club (NPC) frequently during the last several years, it's been almost a decade since he was...

Positive spring break for Black college students

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- Webcast: Tour of New Orleans Lower 9th Ward (FCN, Spring, 2006) We live during a time when we have doubted the commitment of Black students to help elevate the condition of the less fortunate among us. Some of this ambiguity has been focused on college students whom we believe should know better. They have access to the...

What about the bombs?

( - On February 26, 2012, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered his keynote address for the Nation of Islam's Annual Saviours' Day Convention to an enthusiastic crowd at the United Center in Chicago. A few days after the address the standard attack dogs–Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Abraham Foxman–were sent out to scare the people away from...

‘No one is watching the watchers’

By News The United States has over one million people locked up in jails and prisons across the country and just over 4,300 people behind bars died in local jails and state prisons in 2012, according to federal officials. On paper most of the deaths are linked to suicide and illness, such as heart disease, but recent disclosures about some...

Same Ol’ Song: What Happened to Hip Hop Radio ?

All around the world/same songSame Song- Digital Underground When invaders take over a country the first thing that they do is seize the radio station. So when a group of terrorists tried to take over the ‘hood, of course, their first target was 99.9FM The Heat. As soon as they bum rushed the lobby they tied up the news...