
Home Perspectives Page 63

A loss for the enemy, a victory for the truth

By Naba’a Muhammad Editor @RMfinalcall No thanks to the usual Satanic actors and attackers, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a major address July 4 offering warning, guidance and instruction to a world ravaged by suffering and loss tied to the coronavirus pandemic. As people worldwide seek answers and solace over the loss of loved ones, the Minister offered comforting words,...

The color of compassion

FINALCALL.COM Much of the country was tuned in to see the outcome of the trial of former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger, a White female, who was charged with murdering a Black man in his own home. She was found guilty by a jury, sentenced to 10 years in prison and embraced by the brother of the man she killed...

The Death of Black Politics? Hardly!

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- When I read Matt Bai’s piece in the New York Times with the title above, I thought that he was fooling, but it turned out to be a serious article that put forth much of the thinking that has passed for this “post-Black Power” even “post Civil Rights” generation. On second thought however, I am...

In search of the vicar of Christ and people of God

By News Over one million people turned out to see Pope Francis in his visits to Washington, D.C., New York and Philadelphia. The 78-year-old religious leader came to the United States calling for greater concern for the poor, greater unity of purpose, greater compassion for immigrants and a greater witness to the power and message of Jesus. He departed the...

‘The Earth Swallows The Flood’ Minister Farrakhan, Hip-Hop Controversy & End-Times Prophecy

“But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.”—Revelations 12:16-NKJV “The ultimate aim of this world should be known to everyone; especially the righteous…The (arch-deceivers) ultimate aim is to do as their people have done—try to destroy the preacher of truth and those...

Free Nick Cannon!

By Richard B. Muhammad -Editor- Nick Cannon is pretty much as Black anti-thug as you can get in the entertainment world. Clean cut, funny, handsome and sharply dressed, with no saggin' pants under his suit, the husband of singer Mariah Carey and father of her children isn't someone you would pick to be targeted for controversy. Think again. The host of America's...

A Muslim murdered: A brotherhood seeking justice

By Richard B. Muhammad By every public account given Brother Arthur Hearn was an honorable man, a family man, a mentor, a barber and a pillar of the Woodlawn community where he worked for many years. But Brother Arthur was also a Muslim, a pioneer in the Nation of Islam and a man beloved by Muslims in the Chicago community. That love...

B’nai B’rith’s ADL: 100 Years of Deception: Leo Frank, Abe Foxman, & Minister Farrakhan

By Tingba Muhammad, NOI Research Group ( - This year the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) celebrates 100 years of open hatred and bigotry against the freedom aims of Black people. It is an organization whose foundation and history are as racist and malevolent as any secret society, and it has proved itself to be dedicated to maintaining white...

Lies, lies, lies: America’s presidents and the Afghan War

FINALCALL.COM President Trump has lied so regularly and gas lit the American public so often that talk of lies barely raise an eyebrow at times. Lying seems to be the order of the day. But recent revelations about the war in Afghanistan uncovered by the Washington Post prove once again that lying and misleading is a core part of the...

Remembering Robert Mugabe: A lion of the liberation struggle

FINALCALL.COM The Black World has lost one of the lions of liberation in the struggle to free Africa and defend global Black freedom. He must be seen through the eyes of those he served, not through the eyes of those who only wanted “success” on terms that served White interests. The death of Robert Gabriel Mugabe, the former president of Zimbabwe,...