Laura Bush in Africa cites poor example of ‘take it slow’
The statement of First Lady Laura Bush in Cairo, Egypt, North Africa, about the U.S. Constitution and slavery was comparable to one of President George W. Bush's slip of the lip (a failure to engage the brain before he engages his mouth). In reference to democracy in Egypt, Mrs. Bush stated that she agrees with the “go slow...
The scourge of Black poverty
By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- ( - Until recently, I had never heard of the latest disease now ravaging Angola in West Africa, called “Marburg.” Something like the dreaded Ebola virus or HIV/AIDS, it spreads through the transmission of body fluids and has killed 235 people in that country. That is why international health officials have raced into Angola to...
‘Hell no, we won’t go!’
By George CurryGuest Columnist "Hell no, we won't go!" That was a popular chant of protesters during the Vietnam War. Although there were scattered anti-war protests to mark the second anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq on March 16, military-age Blacks have been protesting over the past five years in a quieter, more profound way–fewer are enlisting in the...
Atlanta murders: Guilt by association
By George Curry-Guest Columnist- When news broke that a prisoner awaiting trial on rape charges in Atlanta had overpowered a sheriff's deputy, taken her gun, and entered a courtroom where he fatally shot the judge presiding over his case, the court stenographer and, later, two others, many Black people thought: I hope it's not a Brother. It's untenable to accept the...
Eleven Fifty-FiveThe Iraqis never called me a “N–!”
The above title paraphrases an observation made by my longtime friend and brother, Muhammad Ali, when the attempt was made to draft him into the U.S. Army. His point was well made, that the people he was being urged to fight against had been less abusive to him than the people he was being asked to...
The legacy continues in the movement
I promise to remember the Creator in all the things that I do. Sanuces Ryu Jiu Jitsu. Simplicity. Survival. The gentle art. The principles undergirding the practice of martial arts varies from the East to the West, from caporeira to karate, from a hobby to a lifestyle. When the art is lived through the connection of the mind, body and spirit, we...
The new Million Man March
By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- I believe that Brother Minister Louis Farrakhan is right when, looking at the upcoming 10th Anniversary of the Million Man MarchTM, he said: “God has called us to do something great.'' I believe that the tremendous legacy set by the appearance of two million Brothers on the Mall in Washington, D.C. on October 16, 1995 should...
Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day Gift
Webcast of State of the Black Union (C-Span, 02-26-2005 -Real Media) ( - February 26, 2005 is the day that the Nation of Islam annually celebrates Saviours' Day. This celebration commemorates the Birth of Master Fard Muhammad, Who was born on February 26, 1877 in Saudi Arabia. He came to North America to give the descendants of slaves...
Nelson Mandela on President Bush: ‘No foresight – He can’t think properly’
The strong words of former President Nelson Mandela at an international women's forum held in Johannesburg at the end of January 2003, may reflect the thinking of many African leaders. Some would like to say even more about their disagreement with President Bush. They may even tie it into his cancellation of his trip to five African...
The Social Security Con Game
By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- ( - President George Bush has campaigned hard on fixing the Social Security “crisis” by privatizing a portion of the funds (nearly $2 trillion) available in the trust fund, making them available for eligible citizens to set up private accounts they could use in the stock market to grow their retirement benefit. He alarms people,...