Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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The Coming of The Son of Man – The Infidels Are Angry

Who is His father if God is not His Father? God is His Father, but the Father is also a man. You have heard of old that God prepared a body, or the expected Son of Man; Jesus is a specially prepared man to do a work of redeeming the lost sheep (the so-called Negro). He had to have...

The Two Worlds, The Two Camps

The World is divided into two camps -- Islam and Christianity. Christianity, or we may say, the White man, has been in power for 6,000 years. He has ruled independently since the birth of Moses, 4,000 years. Islam came to Israel from Moses. Israel rebelled and Nimrod broke the civilization of Moses in the 17th century from Moses. So...

A House of Our Own

We cannot be successful in the house of our enemies; we should be in our own house. That which is other than our own is for those who are other than our own. “Our own” is unlimited physically and spiritually. There are those who think that our lack of freedom, justice and equality can be solved in the White...

Protect and elevate your woman

Allah, Himself, has said that we cannot return to our land until we have a thorough knowledge of our own selves. This first step is the control and the protection of our own women. There is no nation on earth that has less respect for and as little control of their woman as we so-called Negroes here in America....

America Hastens Her Own Doom

The ultimate aim of this world should be known to everyone, especially the righteous. We classify the righteous as being the people who belong to the right God, the God of righteousness, truth, freedom, justice and equality of the nation of righteousness. Today, the so-called American Negroes must be resurrected and made to know and understand the fate of anyone...

What Is Islam?

While teaching and representing a religion called "Islam" to you, the first important thing to do is to answer the questions: What is Islam? Who is the author? Who are its prophets and people? Such questions could be answered in a few words or one could make books out the answers. Briefly, "Islam" means entire submission to the...

Hell Erupts

Why are the nations angry? Who are the nations that are angry at the resurrection of the dead? The 18th verse of the 11th chapter of Revelation in the Bible plainly teaches us that these nations are angry and mad because of the rise of the dead and that God Himself was the source of the power behind the...

The worst is yet to come

According to radio and television, and according to individual conversation–and according to conversation heard between government officials concerning their problem of trying to find a way to peace for their people–and a way to find stoppage of the fall of their money market and unemployment– and a stoppage to the revolutions between the dissatisfied and the dissatisfied–and to find...

The Sure Truth

(Taken from Chapter 69 of the Holy Qur'an.) What is said there in Chapter 69 of the Holy Qur'an is so true and is being fulfilled in this day and time. This Chapter is warning the people in the time of the Resurrection of the mentally dead of what happened in the histories of former people who were doomed to...

He (Allah) Makes All Things New

He, Master Fard Muhammad, God in Person, will create a new heaven and a new earth, a new Islam and new government and people. The new earth referred to is a new people who will change the old into such a great future that actually the earth will look like a new earth and a new earth will...