Farrakhan The Traveler

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Minister Farrakhan: A man connected to the divine light of God

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Among the many valuable contributions The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has made to the rise of our people, were/are study guides, based on an address he made in Phoenix, Arizona, titled: “Self-Improvement: the Basis For Community Development.” Not one of us who are serious about the rise of Black people should be without at least one of these study guides....

The Pope, Christianity

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Among the points that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan emphasized is the fact that a Black man born in Georgia was and is the Jesus of the New Testament. Many scholars and some “higher up” White folks know that the Black man and woman are really the chosen people of the Bible, under many names, types, and symbols–such as the...

Elijah Muhammad Continues Reaching The People Through His ‘Chief Witness’

If ones finds it hard to believe the word of God, on face value, it's because way down deep they don't really  respect  Him. Just look at Minister Farrakhan's work from 1977 absent his teacher onward. Why? His work ends arguments. I don't say his work ends intelligent discussion. But we must look into the root of this. I can't go...

A Man and a Nation to rise and never fall again

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Consider this carefully: the Holy Qur'an in many places warns us in the strongest terms not to turn back from Islam. For example, chapter 2:217 reads: “And who-ever of you turns back from his religion ... these it is whose works go for nothing in this world and the hereafter.” Then in chapter 47:25, we read: “Surely those who turn back after...

Analyzing the Million Man March and Minister Farrakhan

The Million Man March, divinely called through the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, was an awesome display of the purpose for which God came to the United States of America.  It was an event which has fulfilled a major prophecy, as I’ve mentioned in previous articles, which triggers other aspects of the divine plan. Throughout this issue of The Final Call there will,...

The mission and message mature

This column continues the answer that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave me, on January 10, 1996, in response to my question. My question included his view of the relationship between the mission of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his mission, and with his mission coming out of his teacher’s mission, and that both missions were "mutually compatible and...

The courage to face the greatest disinformation campaign

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  Click Here to Join Minister Jabril Muhammad's Mailing List "Only those accept who listen." Holy Qur'an 6:36 This article was written immediately after the last one, which was written earlier today (June 13th) and after the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered Part II of The Guide and the Guidance. Let me explain....

Pain of death is equal to pain of birth

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  “and the male is not like the female …” -Holy Qur'an 3:35 My last article ended with: “For our pain came God Himself. Out of our pain came the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan. “And, in part, out of the pain of Black Women came an address to 10,000 (or more) at the World Congress Center...

Montreal Believers break the language barrier

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  Click Here to Join Minister Jabril Muhammad's Mailing List I thought the readers of The Final Call would be very interested in what Sister Sandra, who lives in Montreal, Canada, told me earlier today. What comes below is what she told me in the course of a discussion concerning the translation of Closing The Gap...

A Valuable Blackman Part 2

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Allah has written: "I shall certainly prevail, I and My Messengers…" --Holy Qur'an 58:21 Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles Click Here to Join Minister Jabril Muhammad's Mailing List What were the factors that led to the fall of the Nation of Islam nineteen years ago? To what extent are these factors still present? What made the Honorable Elijah Muhammad so sure...