Farrakhan The Traveler

[Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint that was published April 20, 2005.]

In the Muhammad Ali translation of the Holy Qur’an, we read that Moses made this request of Allah for his “brother, Aaron, he is more eloquent in speech than I, so send him with me as a helper to confirm me. He said: … We will give you both an authority, so that they shall not reach you. With Our signs, you two and those who follow you, will triumph.”

Another translation into English, by A.R. Omar and A.M. Omar, from what is entitled (on the title page) “Allamah Nooruddin’s explanation” reads: “And my brother Aaron is more fluent and eloquent in speech than I, so send him with me as a helper to bear me out (for) I fear they will treat me as a liar.” (God) said, “We will surely strengthen your arm with your brother and We will give both of you so much power that they shall not reach you (to do you harm). So (go armed) with Our signs; you two and your followers will come out victorious.” (Surah 28:34, 35)

These were among the passages from the scriptures that occurred to me, earlier today (April 3), as I watched the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan deliver Part Two of his historic Saviours’ Day address entitled, “He Came That We May Have Life.


I use the word “historic” because of the depth to which Minister Farrakhan went in explaining this most critical aspect of the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

It takes a special kind of human being–one whom only God could make–to do what Minister Farrakhan has done and continues doing for us and others. It takes exceptional intelligence; energy; force and power–some of the major components of his love–to do the traveling and the handling of the innumerable problems that confront him daily; as he continues non-stop to spread life, light and power for others.

It takes an out-of-the-ordinary human being–whom only God could make–to deliver the energizing messages he delivers.

He is not well health-wise. He is under constant terrific pressures, which only increases. Unrelenting daily attacks come and plots are hatched from within and without–from every direction, while he wisely directs a valuable group–his followers. Nevertheless, he perseveres and succeeds as he enlightens an ever-widening audience throughout America and throughout the planet. Yet, astoundingly, he continues to pick up his pace!

Minister Farrakhan is an incomparable man–whom only God could make–with extraordinary power of self-expression. Whether he’s delivering speeches or engaged in private conversation, his communication is characterized by an uncommon lucidity, as he delivers that which solves the most complicated set of problems in which humanity has ever been entangled.

I’m using and emphasizing the word “make” with reference to Minister Farrakhan, because his teacher used that word pertaining to him, on a significant occasion.

In part, it was: “I did not make you, Brother.” The Minister responded that, “Oh, yes you did, dear Holy Apostle.”

He not only said that God made him, but that only God could have made him (Minister Farrakhan) “to put the Teachings together” in the way that Minister Farrakhan “puts the Teaching together” then and now with greater power.

He continued with these words of Minister Farrakhan: “Allah made you for me, for through you I will be able to get all of my people.”

This is what he–the Honorable Elijah Muhammad lived, worked and sacrificed his whole life primarily for: the salvation of his people and others, whom he loved and loves. So it’s natural that he loved and loves Minister Farrakhan–with great intensity.

In God’s making of Minister Farrakhan for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, He also made him for Himself! He made him for both Himself and for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He made him for the greatest purposes to say and do what he does for the most critical hour humanity has ever experienced–for this is the time prophesied of, when God is making a new heaven and a new earth.

The word “for” means, “designed for; meant for; intended for.” God made Minister Farrakhan for Himself; for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; for us; for America and for the world, for the most critical hour in history.

The word “hour” in scripture does not always mean a literal hour in the sense of 60 minutes. The point here is that we all are in the time called “the hour” mentioned in both Qur’an and Bible, especially in the Book of Revelation.

On page 108 of “Our Savior Has Arrived” by the Messiah, it’s made plain that we’re living in the time of the doom of this evil world. He pointed out the confused state of those who have blinded Black people, whom they have misled and mistreated for centuries.

He wrote that: “They have confused the Black Man to the extent that the Black Man does not know now whether he should go for himself or remain seeking guidance from the devil.”

He then declared something that cannot be over-valued. It was that: “Allah (God) will not let any of us be blind, today, to the truth. This is why He came Himself; to be sure there will not be any mistake made.”

That’s unfathomable love.

This aspect of God’s work began sometime before 1930 until July 4, 1930, when He openly began His work among us in Detroit. His work, from that date onward, became open and covered approximately 14 months, from July 4, 1930 until September 22, 1931, when He met the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in person.

Then, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote: “Allah (God) Makes For Himself A Messenger. Then Allah (God) Guides the Messenger Himself.”

In a certain way, that making and guidance began before that September meeting, but it continued in another manner, beginning with that first meeting, and continued for 41 months. This work then continued in another manner until the Honorable Elijah Muhammad departed from us in February 1975.

He continued: “He does not leave the Messenger to do all of the guiding. Then, Allah (God) sends angels to see that His guidance is carried out like He taught the Messenger to do.”

He knew several years before he departed just when he was to depart, as he would tell us, “to get his next lesson” and to prepare for his “real mission.”

He had no doubt that Allah would see to it that “His guidance” would be “carried out like He taught the Messenger to do.”

On this same page–108–the time period that is covered is between 1930 through the time of the work of the angels. So, where does Minister Farrakhan fit into this divine scenario?

The Holy Qur’an states that Moses said: “My Lord, I have control of none but my own self and my brother; so distinguish between us and the transgressing people.” (Surah 5:25)

As Moses controlled his Brother, Aaron, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad likewise controls his Brother, Minister Farrakhan. Understanding this helps us see where he fits into the divine scenario and why.

More, next issue, Allah willing.

P.S. Tonight, April 8, I watched ABC‘s “Nightline” on the prospects of the election of a Black or Latino Pope. Whether or not that happens, there is a surprise on the way. Consider getting the transcript.