Farrakhan The Traveler

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Patience, judgment, ego and life’s testament

Generally, the word “plausible” is taken to mean: “believable and appearing likely to be true, usually in the absence of proof; having a persuasive manner in speech or writing, often combined with an intention to deceive.” The Urban Dictionary defines “plausible” to mean: credible, plausible appearing to merit belief or acceptance; “a credible witness;” “a plausible story” likely, plausible=within the...

Accessing God’s Mind

“Certainly a Messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, most solicitous for you, to the believers (he is) compassionate, merciful. But if they turn away, say: Allah is sufficient for me—there is no God but He. On Him do I rely, and He is the Lord of the mighty Throne....

A human being: a sign to explain all other signs

It's in the nature of the universal order of all things, that before anything appears, there are signs of its coming or birth or arrival. This is a fundamental law or principle that governs the workings of the universe. There are no exceptions to this. Many have stated it in many ways. One such saying is: "Coming events cast their...

Greetings of Peace

The first time I ever saw the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was in 1955, in a restaurant we Muslims owned in New York City. He looked at me with the same beautiful expression–the centerpiece of which is his rich, genuine smile. I don't know how many times from then to now I have heard him give what we Muslims call...

The mission and message mature

This column continues the answer that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave me, on January 10, 1996, in response to my question. My question included his view of the relationship between the mission of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his mission, and with his mission coming out of his teacher’s mission, and that both missions were "mutually compatible and...

Lessons on self-development and proper attitudes

Farrakhan The Traveler

In my last article I used the word “ocean.”   Later, I came to see that my article contained one word that is wrong. I should have used the word “lake” instead of the word “ocean.” A lake is very different from an ocean. That part of last week's article should have read “A few days later, while looking over...

The significance of the greeting words of peace: As-Salaam-Alaikum

" ...Allah invites to the abode of peace, and guides whom He pleases to the right path. For those who do good is good (reward) and more (than this). ...These are the owners of the Garden; therein they will abide. –Holy Qur’an 10:25, 26 On November 5, 1994, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a speech in which he...

The value of Minister Farrakhan and a special future work

It should be noted, here, that there was a specific set of exchanges–during this critical juncture (between the teacher and his pupil, from about 1968-1972) during which the latter wrote a letter to his teacher; in response to certain things his teacher was unfolding to him. I've seen a draft of that letter. I bear witness that it constitutes...

Staying the course

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: I can imagine the prophets of God, who saw beyond the range of vision of their contemporaries, to speak of things yet to come. Such gifted persons, who in certain areas possessed gifts far beyond the gifts of the contemporaries, were subjected to thoughts that he is sick or crazy. So he is rejected of...

Allahs exquisite planning

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught from the beginning of his mission that the Black people of America were surrounded and robbed completely by those who did not love us and who had thoroughly deceived us. We, therefore, had no knowledge of our own, nor really anyone else’s. We were robbed so thoroughly that we didn’t have the sense of being...