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Covid-19’s global disruption takes center stage at UN General Assembly

The United Nations reached its 75th year of existence amidst confusion, strife between nations and a global pandemic that has adversely impacted life on every continent except Antarctica. “The U.N. is marking its 75th anniversary at a time of great disruption for the world, compounded by an unprecedented global health crisis with severe economic and social impacts,” said the UN...

Cellular phone explosion link modern technology and traditional African culture

JOHANNESBURG (IPS)–The sudden growth of cell phones has outpaced any other new technology in Africa. But a unique cell phone culture has evolved that combines necessity with traditional community values. "Most cell phone owners in West Africa, for example, tend to serve as points of presence or communication nodes for their community. Other people pay them or simply borrow...

Nervous Pakistanis asking ‘Are we next?’

ISLAMABAD (IPS)–Worries are growing here about the long-term implications of the war on Iraq for Pakistan, its ties with the United States as well as with rival neighbor India. At worst, many fear that what they call the policy of U.S. expansionism may soon be knocking at Pakistan’s doors. "What does war in Iraq mean for Pakistan?...

Diplomats warn Israeli attack could lead to wider conflict

Bush response to attack on Syria; "Israel must not feel constrained" (Al Bawaba)Middle East Tension Could Ignite World Chaos ( the Obvious: Israel’s WMD’s and the West’s Double Standard (Palestine Chronicle) UNITED NATIONS ( - The war of words continues in response to the October 5 Israeli raid into Syrian territory. Israeli officials claim that the air strike in a refugee...

S. Africa struggles with immigration and brain drain

JOHANNESBURG (IPS)–After years of consultation with labor unions, business organizations and academicians, a new Immigration Act was unveiled late in 2002 and immediately stirred a controversy. This replacement for the notorious Aliens Control Act, which for years was used to block Black African immigration, had the support of South Africa's largest labor federation, the Congress of South African...

U.S.-backed armed forces sinking into sectarian chaos

JIM.LOBE Iraq Under Occupation (Al Jazeera) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - While the Bush administration tries to persuade the public that an accelerated buildup of Iraqi security forces will permit substantial numbers of U.S. troops to begin returning home next year, recent reports from Iraq suggest that the security forces and their sectarian make-up are themselves contributing to the country's destabilization. A spate...

Violence against women a global phenomenon

UNITED NATIONS ( - A new study by the United Nations on all forms of violence against women, under the auspices of Secretary-General Kofi Annan finds that, in all nations of the world, violence against women persists as a pervasive scourge, endangering women's lives and violating their rights. The study says that such violence also impoverishes families and communities,...

NGOs sue U.S. gov’t for disappeared detainees

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - Three human rights groups sued the U.S. government June 7 to force it to disclose information about detainees allegedly held in secret prisons by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). More than three dozen detainees, who remain unaccounted for, are believed to have been locked up due to the “global war on terror” at some point during...

Do county payments to judges amount to bribes?

They are drafting legislation to require judges to provide financial disclosure forms to parties that come before them in courtrooms, including who gave political donations, and organizations they belong to and serve on board of directors. The disclosures are already mandated, however, you have to probe the Secretary of State and County Registrar’s Office, said to Atty....

Political leaders moving continent towards a United States of Africa

( - John Atta Mills has become president of Ghana, returning the National Democratic Congress, the party founded by former president, Jerry Rawlings, to power after an eight year hiatus. Some analysts believe the recent election in Ghana marked a new era of democracy in Africa. “That is the greatest lesson for Africa,” stated a representative of the Nigerian-based Alliance...