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Despite U.S. threat of sanctions, Sudan demands African Union peacekeeping force

U.S. and Britain want tougher sanctions for Sudan (FCN, 04-24-2007)Sudanese president answers questions on Darfur (FCN, 05-14-2007)Reconnecting the international struggles of Black people (Min. Louis Farrakhan/FCN, 05-07-2006)FCN Editorial - Clear the cloud of confusion over Sudanese conflict (02-10-2005) UNITED NATIONS ( - African Union chairman Alpha Oumar Konare and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon recently met in New York for high-level...

For $10, in Mali, a life can be saved

( - For the mere cost of only $10 a child’s life can be spared from malaria and certain death with an insecticide treated bed net. Seems simple and easy but malaria is the number one killer of children under five in Sub Saharan Africa. For only $2 medicine can be bought and given to those infected. Malaria...

Caribbean seeks stronger ties with African nations

UNITED NATIONS ( - Trinidad and Tobago’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Paula Gopee-Scoon told the United Nations General Assembly Sept. 27 that her nation “sought to partner with African countries to develop long-term strategies for sustainable development and use of their energy resources.” A few days later, government ministers from African, Caribbean and Pacific nations met in Accra, Ghana, for...

U.S., Iran moving toward confrontation

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS) - Iran's announced intention to build 10 new nuclear enrichment plants has been deemed “unacceptable” by the administration of President Barack Obama, which warned of increased pressure on Tehran if it does not soon accept Western proposals to curb its nuclear program. The contretemps, which came amid reports that Tehran had arrested five British nationals whose sailboat...

Israeli leader lobbies America for war with Iran

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - Less than a week after Republicans made major gains in the U.S. midterm elections, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called on President Barack Obama to “create a credible threat of military action” against Iran. Initial official reaction was negative, with Defense Secretary Robert Gates insisting that Obama's preferred strategy of enhanced multilateral sanctions and negotiations, which...

Haiti: Two years after deadly earthquake, life largely unchanged

( - “Occupy” Haiti? Activists argue this is exactly what the U.S., UN and thousands of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are doing in the world's first independent Black republic after a devastating earthquake shook this Caribbean nation two years ago. So-called great liberators under the guise of humanitarian aid and rebuilding have become entrenched, calling the shots while the masses...

Report gives graphic details of Guantanamo forcefeeding

WASHINGTON (IPS) - “Bleeding,” “vomiting,” “a quarter or even a third” of bodyweight lost, “torture.” These are characteristic descriptions from testimony by hunger strikers at the detention center at U.S. Occupied Guantanamo Bay Cuba  of their experience being force-fed at the hands of U.S. officials, published in a recent report. The  report, produced by Reprieve, a U.K.-based legal...

UN torture committee calls on U.S. to promptly, effectively and impartially investigate police brutality

By Saeed Shabazz -Staff Writer- The United Nations Committee Against Torture recently released its findings calling on the United States government to completely investigate and prosecute police brutality and shootings of unarmed Black youth; and to ensure that weapons such as tasers are used sparingly. Panel member, Alessio Bruni said the committee recommended complaints regarding use of force by police officers must be...

Armenia PM agreed to Karabakh truce to avoid ‘full collapse’

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan says he agreed to a Russian-brokered peace deal with Azerbaijan to avoid further losses in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, adding that the continuation of fighting would have resulted in “full collapse.” “The document secured what we could lose, according to military estimates and other assessments,” Mr. Pashinyan said on Nov. 10. “In a situation when...

Global chaos, confusion and uncertainty

When Bob Marley sang the prophetic “So Much Trouble in the World” in 1979, the lyrics are just as prophetic for 2020. As the year concludes, the United States has a new regime, and lingering trouble on the world stage. Although incoming President Joseph Biden is espousing an “America must lead again” position, contrasting his predecessor Donald J. Trump’s “America...