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For Africa, 2023 was a year of conflating issues and events

Conflating numerous events that appear dissimilar is how Africa in 2023 must be viewed. South Africa’s BRICS economic summit, the country’s stance on Israel’s incessant bombing of Gaza as “genocide,” the coup d’états in seven African countries, which have been described as a sign of failed democracies, are just a few of the major events that impacted the Motherland...

Increased Egyptian-Israeli tensions brewing from Gaza war

In a shocking development, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that Egyptian officials said they are considering downgrading diplomatic relations with Israel by possibly pulling their country’s ambassador in Tel Aviv. One report said this action is more like an increasing domino effect, resulting from Israel’s invasion of Rafah. “As we stand, there are no plans to suspend ties or...

Deadly politics: Cuba’s Covid-19 treatment and U.S. refusal to save lives

During a phone interview with Africa Watch, Dr. Melissa Barber, the program coordinator of Cuba’s Latin American School of Medicine program and IFCO Passage for Peace, said of the island nation’s 11 million inhabitants it has registered only 88 Covid-19 deaths and 3,482 confirmed cases since the March outbreak of the pandemic. Compare this with the United States. With a...

Iran: U.S. attempts to impose unilateral sanctions doomed to failure

The Iranian Foreign Ministry says any attempts by the “sanctions-addicted” U.S. to impose unilateral restrictions on Iran will fail as the move is in violation of international law. “The sanctions-addicted United States is not far to once again compensate for some of its blatant failures in the Security Council and its inability to reimpose previous sanctions that ended following...

Bush, Saddam Agree: War on Iraq is Inevitable!

Analysts: Latest Iraq weapons inspections a pretext for war Iraq beats deadline, U.S. continues to beat war drumsUNITED NATIONS(–Even as Iraq beat its deadline to turn over documents detailing their weapons programs, the country appeared to be on a collision course with the Bush administration, and, therefore, war. Despite increased action by peace activists and a letter signed Dec. 9 by...

Former weapons inspector says U.S. ‘lied’ about Iraqi weapons

Iraq arms hunt comes up empty -Orlando Sentinel/Wash. PostUN weapons inspector Hans Blix: 'U.S. planned Iraq war in advance' Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction -Wanniski.comStaged "Liberation" media event? -IndyMedia WASHINGTON (–The victory celebrations by the general public in this country overthe toppling of the bronze statue of deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein inBaghdad April 9 will amount to...

Israel said to train U.S. assassins in Iraq

/GIN LONDON (IPS/GIN)–The U.S. army in Iraq is enlisting Israeli experts to train its forces on assassinating resistance leaders, a move which a former U.S. intelligence official warned would further entrench the perception of America as another "Sharon" in Iraq, a British daily recently disclosed. Citing military and intelligence sources, The Guardian said U.S. forces are now being trained...

U.S. quietly bankrolls ‘pro-democracy’ groups in Egypt

US to fund "democracy" in Iran (Al Jazeera, 04-12-2005)  NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - President George Bush has granted one million dollars to six civil society groups in Egypt, including perhaps the most controversial in the country–the organization whose leader spent a year behind bars before being exonerated. The grants, which went totally unnoticed in the U.S. mainstream press, were announced...

Iran showdown tests power of ‘Israel lobby’

JIM.LOBE Pro-Israel lobby dictates U.S. policy, study charges (FCN, 04-05-2006)Iranian ambassador sets the record straight (FCN, 04-07-2006)Iran: Zionist regime root-cause of Middle East insecurity (IRNA, 04-08-2006) Nuclear hypocrisy in Iran's treatment (FCN, 03-12-2006) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - One month after the publication by two influential international relations scholars of a highly controversial essay on the so-called “Israel Lobby,” their thesis that the...

Support for U.S. wanes among Latin American elites

JIM.LOBE From Venezuela; A Message of Solidarity (FCN, 01-01-2007)Non-aligned nations continue to resist domination (FCN, 10-04-2006)Hugo Chavez proposes African, Latin America, Carribean Alliance (FCN, 06-11-2006) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - Elites in the major countries of Latin America are increasingly bullish about their nations' economies and increasingly alienated from the United States, according to a new survey by Zogby International, released this...