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Ethiopian rabbis win court victory in Israel, but struggle continues for Africans in the Zionist State

Sixteen Ethiopian rabbis recently won what is being touted as a landmark court case against discrimination in the Zionist State of Israel. In proceedings that spanned 12 years, the case was part of nearly 20 years of struggle by the clergymen against the state. Observers say the friction stems from years of Ethiopian Jews struggling to integrate into Israel since...

Pandemic shaping economic, social climate of East and Southern Africa

In many East and Southern African countries, local, regional and national lockdowns due to the Covid-19 pandemic have been extended, reported Equinet. “Their impacts raise questions on their sustainability. The conversation inevitably turns to when and how countries will exit them. South Africa’s President Ramaphosa said recently in introducing their risk adjusted strategy: ‘We cannot sustain a nationwide lockdown...

Venezuela – past and present

I remember so many wonderful things about the place I was born. I would travel back to Venezuela with my mother—the entrepreneur who would go down to sell the latest fashions she bought in Miami or New York. My father worked for an airline in those years so, flying back and forth was a constant.  We had moved to...

Colombia stepping up efforts to achieve historic peace goals, UN envoy says

As Colombia prepares to mark the seventh anniversary of the peace agreement that ended the decades-long conflict there, the Government has increased its efforts to realize the accord’s goals, the UN envoy for the country said on October 11. Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Special Representative of the Secretary-General, told ambassadors at the Security Council, that soon in southern Colombia, land purchased by...

Mother of teen killed during a traffic stop in France leads a protest against officer’s release

NANTERRE, France—The mother of a 17 year old who was killed during a traffic stop in France led a protest Nov. 19 to call for justice after the police officer suspected in the fatal shooting of her son was released from custody pending further investigation. The death of Nahel Merzouk in June touched off rioting around the country that highlighted anger over police...

Guatemala arrests ex-minister who resigned rather than use force against protesters

GUATEMALA CITY—Guatemalan police on January 11 arrested the country’s former interior minister for allegedly not carrying out his duties when he opted for dialogue with protesters rather than using force to remove them as a court had ordered. Police arrested Napoléon Barrientos at his home, leading him out in handcuffs and a bulletproof vest. Barrientos told reporters he didn’t know...

Israeli genocide causing ‘complete psychological destruction’ of Gaza children

by Brett Wilkins In addition to killing, maiming, and forcibly displacing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children, Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza has wrought tremendous psychological damage upon kids in the embattled strip, as detailed by a Save the Children report published March 12. The charity’s report—entitled Trapped and Scarred: The Compounding Mental Harm Inflicted on Palestinian Children in Gaza—examines how “five months of...

U.S. Congress threatens ICC with retaliation over arrest warrants for Israeli officials

American lawmakers are in the process of drafting a bill aimed at responding to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in case it decides to issue arrest warrants against high-ranking Israeli officials accused of committing war crimes in Gaza. The legislation is being drafted in a retaliatory move against the ICC to prevent it from issuing arrest warrants against Israeli officials....

Do not import what can be produced in Cuba

The 5th International Convention and Exposition of Cuban Industry (Cubaindustria 2024) will promote the strengthening of technological partnerships between domestic and foreign industries, the promotion of exportable items and the consolidation of national productions. To that end, it will promote effective productive linkages among all the economic actors that make up the Cuban industrial network, to meet the needs of...

Challenging cultural norms and removing stigma is key to confronting Lesotho’s rape culture

Commentary THABA-TSEKA, Lesotho—The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed and given rise to a new, deeply concerning wave of rape culture in Lesotho. Although the true extent is not known yet, we have noticed concerning reports that the onset of the pandemic has worsened sexual violence with more women and girls being confined to small living places whilst social tensions are exacerbated. According...