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Pres. Bush’s Latin American trip: Too late in the game?

JIM.LOBE Support for U.S. wanes among Latin American elites (FCN, 01-25-2007)Hugo Chavez proposes African, Latin America, Carribean Alliance (FCN, 06-11-2006) WASHINGTON, USA (IPS/GIN) - ”Too little, too late” appears to be the consensus view among Latin America specialists about President George W. Bush’s six-day tour of the region, which began Mar. 8 when he boarded Air Force One bound for...

African governments accelerate anti-corruption drive

Anti-Corruption Forum Highlights Importance of Independent Bodies (, 03-04-2007) Johannesburg, South Africa (PANA) - Some 300 participants from all the regions of Africa gathered in Johannesburg on February 28 for the Africa Forum on Fighting Corruption intended to consolidate African anti-corruption initiatives. The three-day forum prepared a common African position for the Global Forum V on Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding...

Somalia: The new front in the war on terror

/GIN US-UN Backed Invasion of Somalia-An International Crime (American Chronicle, 02-09-2007)Bush bombs Africa, no outcry! (FCN, 02-05-2007)Somalia: a clear case of ‘blood oil' in Africa (FCN, 02-05-2007)The Oil Factor In Somalia (LA Times, 01-18-1993) JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (IPS/GIN) - Somalia has become the new front in the war on terror, joining the unpopular club of Afghanistan and Iraq. The only difference...

Imported chicken cripples economy in western Africa

/GIN US 'dumping unsold GM food on Africa' (UK Guardian, 10-07-2002)How Western Rubbish is Destroying Africa (Independent, 09-21-2006) BRUSSELS (IPS/GIN) - Europeans love chicken breast. What do they do with the chicken legs? The current answer: Freeze them and ship them to Africa where they sell at a price far cheaper than fresh local chicken. Television journalist Marcello Faraggi has...

Bush bombs Africa, no outcry!

Somalia: a clear case of ‘blood oil' in Africa (FCN, 02-05-2007)Bush's Goal: Bring African leaders in line with U.S. policy (FCN, 12-08-2006)  Annan: U.S. wrong to support warlords in Somalia (FCN, 06-29-2006)  U.S. covets Africa's black gold (FCN, 10-01-2002)The Oil Factor In Somalia (LA Times, 01-18-1993)How the U.S. Government destabilized foreign governments (FCN, 07-22-1985)  WASHINGTON ( - As world conflicts go, this...

Somalia: a clear case of ‘blood oil’ in Africa

Annan: U.S. wrong to support warlords in Somalia (FCN, 06-29-2006)Qadhafi: Oil is behind Darfur, Sudan crisis (FCN, 12-08-2006)  Bush's Goal: Bring African leaders in line with U.S. policy (FCN, 12-08-2006)  U.S. covets Africa's black gold (FCN, 10-01-2002)Oil Junkie: Bush will act globally to lock in U.S. supply (FCN, 04-30-2002) ( - As the world took note of blood diamonds through...

Support for U.S. wanes among Latin American elites

JIM.LOBE From Venezuela; A Message of Solidarity (FCN, 01-01-2007)Non-aligned nations continue to resist domination (FCN, 10-04-2006)Hugo Chavez proposes African, Latin America, Carribean Alliance (FCN, 06-11-2006) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - Elites in the major countries of Latin America are increasingly bullish about their nations' economies and increasingly alienated from the United States, according to a new survey by Zogby International, released this...

White house probably longs for a ‘do-over’ on 2006

JIM.LOBE WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - For those who believed that the precise and overwhelming demonstration of U.S. military power in Afghanistan and Iraq would “shock and awe” the rest of the world–and particularly Washington's foes and aspiring rivals–into accepting its benevolent influence, 2006 was not a good year. Not only has Washington become ever more bogged down–at the current rate of...

Nation of Islam in Paris, France

From Paris with Love:A one on one with Thierry Muhammad Paris, France ( - It's the city where Black notables such as abolitionist Frederick Douglass, scholar and activist W.E.B. DuBois; painter Henry O. Tanner; America's first Black novelist William Wells Brown; singer and dancer Josephine Baker; photojournalist Gordon Parks; writers Richard Wright and James Baldwin, found a warm refuge...

Losing Arab allies’ hearts and minds

JIM.LOBE U.S. conduct in ‘terror war' destroyed image abroad (FCN, 07-17-2006)Annan: Iraq worse than under Saddam (FCN, 12-20-2006)Bush has created a comprehensive catastrophe across the Mid-East (Guardian, 12-14-2006)Minister Farrakhan's warning to President Bush on Iraq (10-30-2002) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - Attitudes toward the United States reached new lows through most of the Arab world over the past year, according to the...