
Home Perspectives Page 61

A fool and his money; not together long!

Of course, we all are aware that we are approaching that time that occurs every year called “Christmas.” And, most of us assume that the holiday, or “Holy Day,” began with the Birth of Jesus, since this is what we are generally taught. But look into THE CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA, and you will find the statement, “Christmas was...

FCN Editorial Bush argument falls flat

FINALCALLNEWS ( - If President Bush’s prime time speech Oct. 7 was like a prosecutor making a case for action, the argument was not compelling enough to merit unilateral attacks on Iraq by America. In addition, any closing argument by prosecutors would have been balanced by a closing argument from defense lawyers, who in this case would not argue for Saddam...

Beyond the Mask – The ADL Spy Scandal

The ADL, was exposed in media reports across America for heading an international network of spies which — through clandestine operations — amassed files on over 1,000 civic, service, religious and political organizations and over 10,000 private individuals, including many Jewish leaders and members of Congress. What appears the most troubling is the fact that the ADL collaborated with state,...

No justice at the Justice Department

EDITORIAL The federal Department of Justice is supposed to represent the highest law of the land, serve as an unimpeachable defender of American constitutional rights and the final protector of those who face abuse, in particular at the hands of those who act under color of law. What is supposed to be and what exists are eons away. The reality is...

Nation of Islam in Paris, France

From Paris with Love:A one on one with Thierry Muhammad Paris, France ( - It's the city where Black notables such as abolitionist Frederick Douglass, scholar and activist W.E.B. DuBois; painter Henry O. Tanner; America's first Black novelist William Wells Brown; singer and dancer Josephine Baker; photojournalist Gordon Parks; writers Richard Wright and James Baldwin, found a warm refuge...

There will be blood: America is coming out of the Middle East

Bloody battles have exploded again with Israeli atrocities against Palestinians, but where will this end? The bombings, killings, protests and slaughter of outmatched Palestinians is continuing as Israelis exert deadly force and might backed by the arms, the money and the support of the United States.  In a conversation, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, patriarch of the Nation of Islam, once spoke...

Fighting a true War on Poverty

By News It was 50 years ago in January that President Lyndon B. Johnson announced the time had come to wage a War on Poverty. His presidential declaration was followed up with more support for programs that assassinated President John F. Kennedy had created to tackle problems of hunger, job training and job creation. President Johnson's “unconditional war on...

Lies, lies, lies: America’s presidents and the Afghan War

FINALCALL.COM President Trump has lied so regularly and gas lit the American public so often that talk of lies barely raise an eyebrow at times. Lying seems to be the order of the day. But recent revelations about the war in Afghanistan uncovered by the Washington Post prove once again that lying and misleading is a core part of the...

Like being a little bit pregnant

Through the years, as the proof multiplies that eating the flesh of other creatures is deadly, more and more people (depending upon their intelligence level) are beginning to decrease their intake of the poison animals. This term is not referring to a particular class of animals, as if some were poison and some were not. It...

We want to know the Truth about the Assassination of Malcolm X

At the end of February 2013 we started a petition to open the government files surrounding the assassination of Malcolm X in response to the false accusations made in a February TV movie called “Betty and Coretta” implicating the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Thus far over 2,000 signatures have been collected and many who signed gave reasons for signing....