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Bush gives Israel more time to kill the innocent

Pro-Israel lobby dictates U.S. policy, study charges (FCN, 04-05-2006) The tragedy unfolding in Lebanon in the Middle East is a reminder of the Katrina disaster in America. The Bush White House suffered from brain paralysis, while thousands of mainly Black and poor people of New Orleans suffered and died. Why would the American administration stand by and watch...

Making ‘useful land’ useless

( - According to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics, in 2004, 85-95 percent of farm household income has come from off-farm sources (including employment earnings, other business activities, and unearned income). For the 82 percent of U.S. farming operations that have annual sales of $100,000 or less, off-farm income typically accounts for all but a negligible amount...

Obama and the funding of Black community turnout

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- While all of us are understandably proud of the showing that Barack Obama is making this presidential election, I continue to also point out the cost. Symbolic of this is that while the National Baptist Convention was meeting in Cincinnati recently, Barack was in Akron giving a major education speech just 52 miles up the...

Did the Exodus Ever Happen?

( - The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan gave an historic address at the Atlanta Civic Center on June 26, 2010 that may prove to be the speech that brings down the “old house of lies” that upholds the architecture of White Supremacy. While announcing the publication and release of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume 2,...

Can Hollywood do justice in portraying slavery?

-Guest Columnist- ( - Can a Hollywood that is more prone to entertain than to inform do justice in portraying an institutionalized system of brutality, America's slave trade, that spanned over three centuries? And what is the responsibility of filmmakers to those whose ancestors suffered horrendous atrocities as slavery was used to fuel and maintain America's capitalist beginnings? In Quentin...

Noble principles and backing a noble program

By Richard B. Muhammad This time of year is special to me. For many years, this was the time initiates were brought into the Alpha Iota Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity at Morgan State University in Baltimore. Kappa Alpha Psi was founded in 1911 at Indiana University in a hotbed of racism and KKK country. It was a time when Black...

Out of prison and on a mission

By News When it comes to incarceration, the numbers and the reality are daunting: There are about 2.3 million people locked up in prisons and jails across America. Nearly one million of those who are incarcerated are Black. The Pew Center reports, “Black men were more than six times as likely as White men to be incarcerated in federal and...

Targeting Islam when Muslims suffer most from violence

By News The eyes of the world have been turned to France and America seems poised to reenergize paranoia about terrorist threats and a false image of a psychotic Islam. The killing of innocent people in France is something that is to be condemned by all who understand the sacredness of life and who follow the law of God, which prohibits...

Embrace opportunity, not opportunism in Chicago

By Final Call News Chicago is on fire with a level of awareness, outrage and activism not seen since the heady days when the late Mayor Harold Washington was trying to reform a system and government rife with racism, patronage and corruption. An uprising led by young people who have been in the streets protesting for over a year and a...

Hate crimes and an horrific video surfaces in Chicago

By Final Call News The images of a young man cowering in a corner while he is taunted, threatened and assaulted is beyond disturbing and has brought attention again to the city of Chicago where four young Blacks have been charged with kidnapping, assaulting and race-based crimes against a special needs young White male. The race of the victim and the...