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Van Jones’ Misguided View

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor Van Jones should know a thing or two about mischaracterizations, false narratives and unequal comparisons. The CNN contributor was driven out of the Obama White House by Republicans who accused him of a ton of things–ranging from accusations he was a Communist, to charges he was a left wing extremist, to the charge that...

Pseudo slavemasters and an assault on Black leadership

By Final Call News The sharp knives are out and demands for the political castration of Black lawmakers and leaders have been issued by Jewish publications, groups and the right wing media. After falling into rabid fake outrage with the publication of a 12-year-old photo of then-U.S. Senator Barack Obama and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, these demons upped the pressure...

Defending Kanye West

By Richard B. Muhammad -Editor- Black Twitter was ablaze and much of Black America was enraged after a meeting between Kanye West and President Donald Trump in the Oval Office with critics blasting Yeezy as everything from a victim of bi-polar disease to a sell-out. But there is more to the Oct. 10 encounter between a president largely reviled by Blacks...

Make America great again – for who?

By Final Call News When Donald Trump entered the race for the Republican Party nomination for president, the laughter was loud and long among the pundits and GOP establishment. The laughing is over now as “the Donald” continues to lead in polls as other “serious” candidates have dropped out of the race or are mired in extremely low poll numbers. The...

It’s still genocide

We have come through the time called Thanksgiving and annual images of turkeys, pumpkins, fall leaves, families and scenes from dinner tables as Americans gather for a special day and a precious moment. Over the years, the traditional images and stories around Thanksgiving have changed and given way to celebrations like “Friendsgiving,” a gathering of those who constitute a broader...

The troubled America’no peace

FINALCALL.COM It doesn't take much to see how deeply troubled America is, just open your eyes. For the fourth time in U.S. history an American president is facing impeachment–and he seems oblivious to or unworried about ripping the country apart. With words like “losers,” “traitors,” and “treason” punctuating conversations, nothing good for America can be happening.   We are seeing an arrogant...

Broken Promises in a Troubled Land

President Barack Obama’s new book, “A Promised Land,” is a best seller and has drawn a variety of responses as the former leader of the free world shared his thoughts about time in office and America’s future. Fareed Zakaria, political commentator and host of a CNN Sunday morning talk show, made some interesting observations about the Obama book during a...

What about justice in America?

When President Biden met with Russian Vladimir Putin the subject of “misdeeds” by the former KBG agent were blasted in the American media. When Mr. Putin responded by questioning American respect for human rights and illegal actions on the world stage, the mainstream media started to howl. “Russian President Vladimir Putin displayed his ‘classic’ whataboutism play at the news conference...

Conspiracy theories and unnecessary Black deaths

By FinalCall.com News When an emergency arises in Africa or elsewhere in the Black world, our vulnerability to those who provide care for us surfaces alongside the threat to life that must be responded to. Such vulnerability should lead to questions about who is providing the care and the service, their agenda and whether we are truly being served. Such questions about...

Lessons for Ferguson and beyond

By FinalCall.com News When the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke at Morgan State University, his words were powerful and his warning was clear: America is on the edge of a racial explosion and no amount of pacification nor denial can solve the problem. He described Ferguson, Mo., as the spark that could ignite the country and the reason why any who...