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Residents fight to contain brewing youth racial tensions

CHARLENEM Residents reach boiling point over racial attacks (FCN, 03-22-2005)Interview with Nation of Islam Latino Representative: The Basis Of Black-Latino Unity Is Not Political (, 07-24-2001) CORONA, Calif. ( - The fatal stabbing of a Black teen by three Latino youth May 11 marks the first reported death in brewing violence between the groups in Los Angeles and surrounding counties. Family and...

Tulsa race riots survivors hold briefing with CBC

FCNNEWSSOURCE Tulsa riot victims petition Supreme Court (FCN, 03-22-2005)Landmark suit seeks reparations for deadly 1921 Okla. riot (FCN, 03-13-2003)Oklahoma mulls reparations for 'Black Wall St. Massacre' (FCN, 03-13-2001) WASHINGTON ( - Survivors of the 1921 Tulsa Race Riots gave a first-hand account of their stories to members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) during a recent briefing on Capitol Hill. The...

Millions More Movement moves the crowd

Official Site of The Millions More Movement ( NEW YORK ( - Calling some of the movers and shakers in the hip hop industry here on May 9, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan convened a provocative and enlightening meeting to explain the Millions More Movement and how it has evolved from his 1995 call and vision for the Million Man...

Bush to continue producing ‘packaged new stories’

NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - Despite a rising chorus of condemnation from journalists and media critics, the George Bush administration shows no signs of abandoning its distribution of taxpayer-funded “news” to U.S. newspapers, radio and television stations. Free press advocates are up in arms about what they say is the covert dissemination of propaganda by government agencies. In one case, the...

L.A. Mother’s Day highlights youth violence and incarceration

CHARLENEM LOS ANGELES ( - Charlotte Jordan believes in activism. She schools over 200 troubled children rejected by the local school district. She feeds hungry neighbors. She fights for books in schools and computer literacy. But the murders of two of her three children–one, a daughter, shot 15 times with an assault rifle–launched her into a sphere of activism that...

Paranoia about Muslims lands two teens in federal detention

FCN Editorial: Anti-Islam rhetoric: Moving from the unjust to the absurd (06-29-2004)The Real Fifth Column in America (FCN, 08-14-2002) NEW YORK ( - Muslim and human rights activist Jafar Siddiqui, of Lynwood, Washington, believes that Muslims are targets of a “paranoid” United States government. That, he said, is the only logical explanation for locking up two 16-year-old New York City...

Farrakhan: ‘Pain’ caused Millions More Movement

Official site of the Millions More Movement ( Launch of the Millions More Movement (FCN, 05-04-2005) FORT WASHINGTON, Md. ( - The greatness of the pain suffered by the people in America whose parents and grandparents are descended from slaves has only increased the sincerity of their prayers, which produced the Millions More Movement, declared the Honorable Minister Louis...

Families protest deaths at hands of police

Activists won't keep silent on police brutality (FCN, 04-12-2005) WASHINGTON ( - At least two proprietors of businesses near Howard University are protesting the deaths of their adult children at the hands of the Metropolitan Police. Family members of Charquisa Johnson, her friends and outraged community activists scheduled a candlelight vigil April 26–the second anniversary of her death–outside the apartment...

Will Blacks still be able to live in Harlem?

NEW YORK ( - Activists and Harlem residents heeded the call from Nellie Bailey, executive director of the Harlem Tenants Council, and packed room 8A, on the eighth floor of the Harlem State Office Building, on Apr. 22, to join in the roundtable discussion, “Harlem from Black Mecca to Private Market: Will Blacks still be able to live in...

Calls continue for pardon of Black boxing legend

WASHINGTON ( - A group of politicians, boxing experts, civil rights leaders and documentary filmmaker Ken Burns (Unforgiveable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson) gathered on Capitol Hill in April to continue their push for the Bush administration to pardon boxing legend Jack Johnson. “No one should be punished for choosing to go their own way,” said...