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Min. Farrakhan leads delegation on successful and much anticipated Cuba visit

FCNNEWSSOURCE FCN Webcast: Havana, Cuba Press Conference (FCN, 03-27-2006)We should normalize relations with Cuba (FCN, 06-14-2004)Cuba challenges America and Europe (FCN, 04-21-2004)Black journalists get close-up view of Cuba (FCN, 06-11-2002) ( - On March 19, 2006, Min. Louis Farrakhan led a twenty-three member delegation to Havana, Cuba to study disaster relief preparedness. Min. Louis Farrakhan and the delegation embarked on...

Child prodigy speaks truth in poem

NEW YORK ( - Autumn Ashante may be only seven years old, but she knows just exactly what she wants, and what has to be done to get there. “I want to meet Mother Tynnetta (Muhammad). She is my hero,” revealed Autumn during a telephone interview with The Final Call. When asked what was so special about Mother Tynnetta,...

What do we want for our people and children?

FCNNEWSSOURCE Minister Farrakhan addresses National Black People's Unity Convention   A new educational paradigmWithout the proper requisite knowledge we will never have economic empowerment. One of the challenges that we face is that the educational system is a failure and it is designed that way so that the mass Black and poor will always fit into socio-economic paradigm. They will always be the...

Republicans splinter as Bush’s popularity falters

JIM.LOBE Powerful neocon brotherhood begins unraveling (FCN, 03-15-2006) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - As President George Bush's standing in public opinion polls plumbs new depths, his fellow Republicans are finding it ever more difficult to maintain their unity on key hot-button issues such as foreign policy, immigration and civil liberties. Intra-party differences that were successfully muted by the party's rallying behind the President...

Navajo Nation president calls for true consultation at BIA meeting

FCNNEWSSOURCE WASHINGTON ( - Navajo Nation President Joe Shirley Jr. went off-script to question the lack of true tribal consultation on funding, while challenging the federal government to live up to its responsibilities to tribes a fraction as much as it has to the agencies handling the Hurricane Katrina response and the Iraq War. Pres. Shirley spoke during the second...

Brief History of the New Orleans 9th Ward

FCNNEWSSOURCE After Katrina: A Tour of New Orleans 9th Ward (FCN Webcast, 01/2006) ( - In its continuing coverage in documenting the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, News is providing an exclusive tour of the New Orleans Lower 9th Ward showing conditions over 6 months after hurricane Katrina and multiple promises of aid. The Lower 9th Ward is a section of the city...

A Day of Divine Separation

MOSQUE MARYAM ( - In an explosive and sobering address, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan completed his message he prepared for Saviours' Day 2006 the following Sunday Mar. 5 at the flagship mosque of the Nation of Islam. “There is no mystery about what America is in prophesy. So if America is that wicked city called the mystery Babylon,...

Florida parents request second autopsy in boot camp death

( - The family of Martin Lee Anderson, a 14-year-old who died in early January after entering a Florida boot camp for juveniles, asked that his body be exhumed for a second autopsy, according to various news reports. The family attorney told the Associated Press (AP) that Dr. Michael Baden, a New York City-based forensic pathologist who reviewed the medical...

More than just water

( - For former NBA New York Knicks player Larry Johnson, becoming a partner in Everlasting Water with Tedarell Muhammad and Tadar Muhammad was more than just a business decision. “It was about making sure our people have good quality water. One thing everyone needs is water. I love the taste of Everlasting Water. If I was going to...

Nation of Islam officials respond to Illinois controversy

CHICAGO ( - With the precision of a surgeon, three officials of the Nation of Islam (NOI) delivered clear arguments that cut through the media controversy purportedly over statements by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered during his Feb. 26 Saviours' Day address. Ishmael Muhammad, assistant minister to Minister Farrakhan, Leonard F. Muhammad, NOI Chief-of-Staff, and Claudette M. Muhammad,...