Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Home Columns Honorable Elijah Muhammad Page 16

The National Election

The Black man of America has been privileged by the slave-masters’ children for the last century to vote for Whites for the offices to judge and rule. This freedom to vote has made the Black man in America feel very dignified and proud of himself. He goes to the polls very happy to vote for a White ruler....

The Right of Self-Defense

The so-called Negroes of Birmingham, Alabama, would have been justified by the law of justice if they had killed every dog sicked upon them by the hired, tax-paid policemen, for the taxpayers did not hire dogs to police their lives and property. And if the policemen had fired upon those who defended themselves against the bites of savage dogs...

Muhammad: Guide To Peace, Freedom!

The scholars and scientists  of the White people are telling and warning you. They look to next year as the most dreadful year. They are right. This is why I wanted this meeting with you today. We all see it is approaching. It is terrible. WE ARE  going to have plenty of trouble here in America, due to the...

An Economic Blueprint

The Black man in America faces a serious economic problem today and the White race's Christianity cannot solve it. You, the so-called American Negro, with the help of Allah can solve your own problem. The truth must be recognized by the Black man. He, himself, has assisted greatly in creating this serious problem of unemployment, insecurity and lack. Before...

Know Thyself

It is knowledge of self that the so-called Negroes lack, which keeps them from enjoying freedom, justice and equality. This belongs to them divinely as much as it does to other nations of the earth. It is Allah's (God's) will and purpose that we shall know ourselves. Therefore, He came Himself to teach us the knowledge of self. Who...

Help self: What Must be Done With The Negroes?

Since our being brought in chains to the shores of America, our brain power, labor, skills, talent and wealth have been taken, given and spent toward building and adding to the civilization of another people. It is time for you and me, the so-called Negroes, to start doing for ourselves. We must not let our children be as...

Program And Position: What Do The Muslims Want?

This is the question asked most frequently by both the Whites and the Blacks. The answers to this question I shall state as simply as possible. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom.We want justice. Equal justice under the law. We want justice applied equally to all regardless of creed, class or color.We want equality of...

Day of Resurrection of Dead So-Called Negroes Has Arrived

I don't have to say to the so-called Negroes that hell is for them in the White man's Christianity! They know it and have experienced it in this Christians' hell. The White Christians and their religion which they falsely say and teach is from Jesus is, in reality, from the Pope of Rome who is the head of...

Land Of Our Own And Qualifications The Unity Of 22 Million

The unity of 22 million socalled Negroes up from slavery is the answer to our salvation. We are suffering untold torture and murder at the hands of our enemies (the children of our slave-master) because of the lack of unity. The cause of this lack of unity among us is due to the work and teaching of our enemies,...

Everything has failed

Islam comes after everything else fails. Its significance is the making of Peace. The Muslim's greeting to each other is “Peace.” What better religion could we desire after being divided and made enemies of each other? Do not tell us that you have “unity and peace” in the White race's religion called Christianity. The White race does not...