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The Compassion of Cuba’s Health Care

More doctors equal better healthHAVANA ( - While major media reports the war of words between America and Cuba over President George Bush's new economic sanctions, very little, if anything, is being said about President Fidel Castro's offer of 500 yearly medical school scholarships to solve the health crisis in the Black community. “We are prepared to grant a...

Mexican Air Force documents UFOs

Video footage from Mexican Military Release (Webcast, UFOCaseBook)Mexico UFOs 2004 ( ( - The Mexican Air Force released a film taken by their pilots May 10 of “11 bright, rapidly moving objects in the skies.” Experts worldwide have said this film proves the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Military officials, however, have said, “no conclusions had been reached...

Angry Nigerian President Obasanjo lashes out at religious leaders over violence

LAGOS, Nigeria (PANA) - Seemingly frustrated that his government's efforts to curb Nigeria's spiraling sectarian and communal violence has not yielded the desired results, President Olusegun Obasanjo has vented his anger on religious leaders in central Plateau, which has been a hotbed of such crisis since 2001. On the heels of tit-for-tat killing by Muslims and Christians in the...

Cuba vows to fight against new U.S. sanctions

Recommendations to tighten up the screws on Castro may backfire on Bush ( WASHINGTON ( - The tiny island nation of Cuba has vowed to fight the new sanctions implemented by the Bush administration's plan to “destabilize and overthrow the Cuban government.” “This country, without violating the standards it has always observed in its struggles, will defend itself with the law,...

Cuba challenges America and Europe

( - Cuban President Fidel Castro has challenged the American and European governments to duplicate its ability to educate and provide health professionals to serve the needs of impoverished people around the world. The small island nation, only 90 miles from Florida, is capable of maintaining more than 16,000 health professionals working in Third World nations. In a speech March...

Johnson’s role in 1964 Brazil coup revealed in documents

JIM.LOBE Brazil marks 40th anniversary of military coup WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - A newly declassified audiotape and documents released Mar. 31, 40 years after the 1964 coup that installed military rule in Brazil, show that then-President Lyndon Johnson was directly involved in the decision to back the uprising. Also, the CIA had a heavy presence in Brazil at the time, and...

Shiite Uprising Signals Double Trouble for U.S. – Experts

JIM.LOBE Scores dead as Falluja resists US onslaught (Al Jazeera, 04/07/2004)The Consequences of War and the Fruit of Peace (Min. Farrakhan, 10/16/2002) WASHINGTON (IPS) - With U.S. Marines effectively locking down the defiant city of Fallujah in the rebellious ''Sunni Triangle'', other U.S. military forces in Iraq opened a new front Monday to quash an apparent uprising by a Shiite militia...

Libya and Syria: A tale of two policies

Libya turns the nuclear spotlight on Israel (FCN, 01/26/204) UNITED NATIONS ( - The United States government lifted the 23-year-old travel ban against Libya on February 26, telling U.S. corporations to begin their return to the North African nation. Officials in the Bush administration said they were satisfied with Libyan President Muammar Gadhafi's affirmation it was responsible for the bombing...

Activists, politicians question U.S. hand in Haiti crisis

Haiti's Lawyer: U.S. Is Arming Anti-Aristide Paramilitaries (Democracy Now)Haitian President accepts int'l peace plan (XINHUA, 02/22/2004)Haiti at brink again - U.S. owes help (FCN, 02/16/2004)How the U.S. impoverished Haiti (FCN, 09/10/2003) WASHINGTON ( - As the government of the second oldest independent country in the Western Hemisphere spins out of control and toward a bloody civil war or a...

UN launches Global Media AIDS Initiative

UNITED NATIONS ( - "When you are working to combat a disastrous and growing emergency, you should use every tool at your disposal," United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan told media presidents, CEOs and senior executives of over 20 media organizations from around the world. "HIV/AIDS is the worst epidemic humanity has ever faced. Its impact has become a devastating obstacle...