- Video footage from Mexican Military Release (Webcast, UFOCaseBook)
- Mexico UFOs 2004 (Rense.com)
(FinalCall.com) – The Mexican Air Force released a film taken by their pilots May 10 of “11 bright, rapidly moving objects in the skies.” Experts worldwide have said this film proves the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Military officials, however, have said, “no conclusions had been reached about the objects’ origins.”
The country’s Defense Secretary, General Ricardo Vega Garcia, gave the videotape to Jaime Maussan, who is considered an expert in the field because he has spent a decade researching UFOs.
Mr. Maussan claimed the videotape was evidence that UFOs exist. “The video was especially significant since it was provided by the military,” he told reporters.
“This is historic news,” Mr. Maussan was quoted as saying in various newspapers. “Hundreds of videos [of UFOs] exist, but none had the backing of the armed forces of any country. … The armed forces don’t perpetuate frauds.”
The film showed the objects were flying at more than 11,480 feet over the southern Campeche state and was filmed March 5 by pilots using a video camera with an infrared lens.
According to the pilots’ accounts in news reports, “the objects appear to accelerate rapidly and change course suddenly. At least one crewmember testified in a videotaped interview that the objects encircled the military jet at a distance of at least two miles.”
The pilots were on a routine drug surveillance mission when they saw something strange. They used infrared equipment to detect heat emanating from the objects. This process is unable to provide an image of the objects’ exact forms.
The military responded to Mr. Maussan’s analysis with uncertainty and skepticism.
“This is Maussan’s point of view. For that reason, he was given (the video), so that he could draw his own conclusions,” General Vega told Mexico-based W Radio. “But that is his version.”
General Vega explained that he decided “to release the videotape to the scientific community for study after determining it did not pose a threat to national security.”
He also countered his critics by saying that the military had not released the tape to distract the nation from other issues, such as a political corruption scandal, as some news commentators had implied.
Critics of the conclusion that the objects were UFOs have said they could possibly be atmospheric gasses. Julio Herrera, a nuclear science researcher at the National Autonomous University, told the San Francisco Chronicle that the bright blurs could have been caused by electrical flashes emitted spontaneously by the atmosphere.
“They are very strange phenomenon and there is little information about them,” Mr. Herrera said, “That’s what’s so interesting.”
He also told the San Francisco Chronicle that more data than is available on the videotape would be necessary to determine if that hypothesis was correct, including precise information on atmospheric conditions at the time the lights appeared.
General Vega told reporters that he first thought the objects were drug trafficking planes, “but when I began to see that they had those lights … I realized they couldn’t be such aircraft.”
The defense chief told reporters that he had warned those under his command to stop discussing “flying saucers” and UFOs when talking about the video “because that just provokes doubts and jokes.”