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Muslims around the world suspicious of Bush ‘war on Islam’

Interview with Syria's UN Ambassador Fayssal Mekdad (FCN, 10-31-2005)UN's Mehlis report discredited: International espionage over Syria? (Media Monitors, 10-28-2005)Is America headed to Damascus? (FCN, 04-23-2003)Guidance to America and the World (FCN Webcast, 05-03-2004) WASHINGTON ( - Even as critics in this country assail the U.S. Iraq war as a quagmire; more and more former high-level officials condemn the Bush...

Libyan leader calls for international inquiry in Arafat’s death

TRIPOLI, Libya (PANA) - Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gadhafi  has called on the Arab League to make arrangements with the parties concerned to set up an international commission of enquiry into the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, an official source said here Sunday. "After the results of analyses have demonstrated that President Arafat was poisoned, I am calling...

Powell Aide Blasts Rice, Cheney- Rumsfeld ‘Cabal’

JIM.LOBE U.S. foreign policy Hijacked (FCN, 07-02-2004) WASHINGTON , Oct 20 (IPS) - As top officials in the White House and Vice President Dick Cheney's office await possible criminal indictments for their efforts to discredit a whistleblower, a top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Wednesday, accused a ''cabal'' led by Cheney and Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld of...

Zimbabwe’s president says his nation should not be ridiculed

President Kenneth Kaunda speaks to Black journalists (FCN, 11-18-2003) UNITED NATIONS ( - President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe told the United Nations General Assembly that his nation was at "peace" with itself and its neighbors, and offered "absolutely" no threat to international peace and security. It was surprising, therefore, that the United Kingdom and its "Anglo-Saxon allies" had embarked on a...

International offers of support:  What about Cuba?

Poor and isolated nations rally to offer aid (UK Times, 09-08-2005)Coalition Urges US Acceptance of Cuban Aid (Prensa Latina, 09-08-2005)Cuba challenges America and Europe (FCN, 04-21-2004) WASHINGTON ( - During a Sept. 2 press conference, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke of the numerous offers of international support that the United States has received from around the world. “You have...

Fearing riots, U.S. gov’t holds back Abu Ghraib photos

New Iraq Abu Ghraib photos prompts legal battle (FCN, 08-10-2005)After the shame: Prison abuse scandal deepens (FCN, 05-25-2004) NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - Civil libertarians and the Pentagon appear headed for yet another train wreck in the ongoing dispute over the so-called second batch of photos from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. In response to a lawsuit by the American Civil...

New Iraq Abu Ghraib photos prompts legal battle

After the shame: Prison abuse scandal deepens (FCN, 05-25-2004)The psychology of sadistic terrorism (FCN, 05-18-2004) NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - As the Pentagon appointed a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to head the defense team representing detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, it took steps to throw a roadblock into the release of a new batch of...

Africa sticking together on UN Security Council reform

Africa united at UN on Security Council reform (FCN, 04-28-2005) UNITED NATIONS ( - African leaders say they are speaking with one voice and they will not retreat from their demand that Africa get two permanent seats on the Security Council. A high-level ministerial meeting between the African Union (AU), and the nations known as the Group of Four (Brazil,...

‘Why do they hate us?’A new view surfaces

JIM.LOBE British Intel agency MI5 links bomb attacks to Iraq war (Al Jazeera, 07-29-2005)London Mayor: West fuels terrorism (BBC News, 07-20-2005)Minister Louis Farrakhan on War in Iraq, and effects (FCN, 05-03-2005) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - The July 7 London bombings that killed more than 50 people have rekindled a familiar debate in this country on the question first posed after the...

Progression towards United States of Africa continues

The African Union (Official Site)Birth of the African Union (FCN, 07-14-2002) TRIPOLI ( - “Africa should not be in the position of beggars,” insisted Colonel Muammar Gadhafi, the head of Libya, in his opening remarks to the Fifth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union held July 4-5. Serving as host for the summit, his remarks echoed...