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Why does the U.S. government hate Cuba?

News Commentary The United States has an embargo against the import of anything from Cuba (especially her ideas). The government will not allow American citizens to buy anything from Cuba and bring it back to America. Under the Helms-Burton Act, America revoked the licenses of ships to dock at American ports if those ships dared to transport goods to Cuba...

Kennedy and Farrakhan – One on One Interview

FCNNEWSSOURCE ON POLITICS MINISTER FARRAKHAN (MLF): Mr. Kennedy, first let me just say that there is no question that would be considered inappropriate. As one who was alive during the time of your father’s work and one who watched him and studied him as best I could, I am very pleased to be interviewed by you and pleased to...

Both Personal and Collective Responsibility

By Ron Walters-Guest Columnist- Lou Dobbs of CNN prodded his panel the other night to explain what was underneath the awful image of castration used by Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., in voicing his frustration with Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee. His panel completely missed the lively underground disappointment among some Blacks who support Obama, reflected in these...

Oral History and the African-American Community

( - I've been preaching the importance of our oral history since Columbia University Professor Dr. Manning Marable, and one of his doctorate candidates, Zaheer Ali gave me a wakeup call with Dr. Marable's research on an upcoming book on the life of Malcolm X. What distinguishes Dr. Marable's book is much of its content is devoted to...

The Muslim World Explodes: ‘Failing To Learn the Lessons of History’

( - In 1983, the Nation of Islam held its national convention, Saviours’ Day in Gary, Indiana–our first outside of Chicago. One of the workshops we presented was “Lessons from History–Those Who Have Failed to Learn the Lesson of History Are Doomed to Repeat It.” This often used axiom must be considered now by the United States...

Muhammad’s Economic Blueprint and Our Future

By Richard B. Muhammad How much is freedom worth to you? Men and women have offered their lives to be free, are you willing to give a nickel-a-day to save yourself and plot a future for yourself and your children? That is the essential question raised with our opportunity to support Muhammad's Economic Blueprint and program to fight poverty and want. We...

A Message to ‘Massa’ Bundy

By Richard B. Muhammad After threatening federal authorities with weapons, and surrounded by other angry White men waving flags and guns, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy shot off his mouth. This time he derided the Negro people for their lack of productive ways and their addiction to welfare and violence. The rancher who has been grazing cattle on federal land for a...

Lessons for Ferguson and beyond

By News When the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke at Morgan State University, his words were powerful and his warning was clear: America is on the edge of a racial explosion and no amount of pacification nor denial can solve the problem. He described Ferguson, Mo., as the spark that could ignite the country and the reason why any who...

Black Men, Black Institutions And Black Progress

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor When we come into this world, we are assured of few things. One thing we can count on is that we will one day depart this earthly plane. We will no longer walk among the living at some point. The question to be asked is how do we live our lives and what did...

Leadership You Can Disbelieve In

By Final Call News The presidential election  for 2016 is unlike any in modern U.S. history and perhaps in the history of the United States as two widely unpopular, distrusted and polarizing candidates seek to lead the country. Neither seems particularly outfitted to handle such a role in a way that will bring America together and neither seems to have...