
Home Perspectives Page 63

Who is poisoning the ‘Homeland’?

Guest Columnist "This is a hoax. This is a hoax," warned Senator Robert Byrd (R-WVa.) in debates over the Homeland Security Bill of 2002. The Senate was given a 484-page document and was required to vote on it in 48 hours without committee scrutiny or public hearings. Why? What is President "Pharaoh" Bush trying to sneak over on the...

Who got paid in the Black farmers’ lawsuit?

"Why is it that the only people who got paid in the Black farmers’ lawsuit against the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are the White monitor, the White lead counsel, the White judge, the White arbitrators; the Black lawyers didn’t get paid and the Black farmers didn’t get paid?" We raised this question to Attorney Randi Roth, the Pigford...

FCN Editorial Will Bush put a squeeze on weapons inspectors? - Now that UN weapons inspectors have arrived in Iraq, will they be strong enough to withstand U.S. intimidation and name-calling and go about their business fairly and objectively? We hope so, but it will take strong resolve from the weapons inspectors leader, Hans Blix. Even though each of the 15 UN Security Council members voted in support...

Eleven Fifty-five Water – saviour or killer

Back in November, 1997, THE NEW YORK TIMES ran a feature article entitled, "Turbid Tap Water May Be Source Of Unexplained Intestinal Ailments." This comes as no surprise to those of us who follow Minister Louis Farrakhan, which is why we choose and purchase the water that we drink. The story’s sub-head reads, "Ills blamed on...

Bush dismisses Black America as he targets West African Oil

(, slaves were considered "black gold." However, in modern times the new black gold is oil. Not just any oil, but the oil from the soil and shores of Africa. The Bush Administration has "aimed their guns" at Africa and begun firing. Many articles featured recently in international magazines and the New York Times have mentioned West...

FCN Editorial Bush’s Ramadan meal leaves bad taste

On Nov. 7 this year–the second day of Ramadan–President Bush hosted an "Iftar" (fast-breaking meal) dinner for ambassadors from member countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and for American Muslim leaders to break fast with him. In his two years as President, Mr. Bush has now personally welcomed Muslims to the White House twice. And his...

Eleven Fifty-five Yes, I’m White and Muslim

I encountered an article in a recent copy of The Weekly Mirror International by a writer named John Janney. I believe it is most effective AS IS, without any rewriting or analysis; to wit: My light-brown beard with random blond streaks and pale skin color led me to an interesting conversation during a condensed milk expedition at my local grocery...

FCN Editorial Time to squash violence. Period!

FINALCALLNEWS ( - A recent quote by rap star Ja Rule sums up the tragedy, not only of the senseless murder of Jason "Jam Master Jay" Mizell, but of the overwhelming incidents of violence in the Black community. Describing why concerns about his safety have grown with his fame, he said: "It’s sad, because that feeling is mainly towards my Black...

Eleven Fifty-Five I called her “Mighty-mite”

Our beloved Sister, Michelle Y. Muhammad, was very small physically, and, to my knowledge, did not perform any physical feats requiring great muscular development. I called her "Mighty-Mite" because her spiritual powers enabled her to accomplish astounding feats in various areas of human relations. She developed technical skills– especially writing and photography–but her social skills, her...

Eleven Fifty-Five The game is the same – only the name has changed

( - Despite all the years of teaching by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and right up to today by The Honorable Louis Farrakhan, the dietary practices of our people continue to imply a not-so-secret death wish haunting the majority of us. It seems that the more the producers of the poisonous foodstuff being thrust at us...