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A nation on edge and running out of time

FINALCALL.COM “And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” Matthew 12:26 King James Version   “America is now being torn to pieces politically as Pharaoh's political party was in the days when Jehovah went after the freedom of The Children of Israel.”   The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, “If Satan Cast Out Satan,...

The Twitter War Against Farrakhan’ and Truth

By Richard B. Muhammad, Editor It was not surprising but it was disturbing to find the Twitter account of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam removed from the platform. Twitter already had the dubious distinction of banning the Minister in July 2019. The ban drew thousands of complaints and resulted in timelines being flooded with the truth...

A liar in the White House, danger for the country

FINALCALL.COM Dear America, Your president is a liar. It may seem impolite or indelicate to call him such, but too much is at stake to not speak the truth. This is especially important for news media, the so-called guardian of democracy whose lap dog repetition of Bush administration lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq helped lead to almost two decades...

Could American assassination, arrogance usher in Armageddon?

FINALCALL.COM “We took action last night to stop a war; we did not take action to start a war,” declared President Donald Trump, speaking to reporters from his Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida as America hurtled toward a possible major and destructive military conflict. Neither his words Jan. 3, nor his actions made much sense. Outside of Republican sycophants who see no...

Our Protecting Friend

FINALCALL.COM As a year and a decade closes, it is fitting to reflect on decisions made, work done and unfinished business ahead. For The Final Call newspaper, this time of year brings an additional somber recollection as 28 years ago, on December 26, 1991, our beloved editor-in-chief Abdul Wali Muhammad departed this life. In the life of institutions and nations, it is...

Hands off Ava Muhammad!

FINALCALL.COM In scripture and in history, those who stand against oppression and evil often find themselves falsely accused of wrongs committed by those who are actually guilty. This ugly, disturbing and unacceptable pattern played out recently at San Diego State University where Dr. Ava Muhammad, gifted spiritual teacher, author, radio personality, attorney and national spokesperson for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan...

Lies, lies, lies: America’s presidents and the Afghan War

FINALCALL.COM President Trump has lied so regularly and gas lit the American public so often that talk of lies barely raise an eyebrow at times. Lying seems to be the order of the day. But recent revelations about the war in Afghanistan uncovered by the Washington Post prove once again that lying and misleading is a core part of the...

The troubled America’no peace

FINALCALL.COM It doesn't take much to see how deeply troubled America is, just open your eyes. For the fourth time in U.S. history an American president is facing impeachment–and he seems oblivious to or unworried about ripping the country apart. With words like “losers,” “traitors,” and “treason” punctuating conversations, nothing good for America can be happening.   We are seeing an arrogant...

Remembering our martyrs

FINALCALL.COM This December marked the 50th anniversary of the police killing of Black Panther party leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in the city of Chicago.Panther leader Hampton, headquartered in the city, and Panther Clark, who hailed from Peoria, Ill., were shot to death Dec. 4, 1969 in a West Side apartment. Chairman Fred, who headed the Panthers in Illinois,...

Redistribute the pain: Keep your dollars in your pockets

FINALCALL.COM It's been four years since the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan introduced the subject “Justice Or Else!” to mark the 20th anniversary of the historic Million Man March, which drew some two million Black men to Washington, D.C., under the banner of atonement, reconciliation and responsibility. A major part of responsibility is taking charge of the destiny of our community and...