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The Weak Justice Dept. And Its Failures To Give Justice

By Final Call News As the Obama administration comes to a close, the Justice Dept. has issued its report on the Chicago Police Dept., and its pattern and practices, and constitutional violations of the rights of Blacks and Latinos. The findings are disgusting and disturbing but unsurprising. But more disturbing is the Justice Dept.'s continued failure to do anything to hold...

Words Of Peace Amid The Winds Of War?

By Final Call News President Trump delivered important words to the world and Saudi Arabia when he said that the United States was not in the oil-rich nation to tell others how to live. America has certainly forfeited any right to try to pass judgement on others given her human rights violations at home among her slaves, the children of her...

Lessons for Ferguson and beyond

By FinalCall.com News When the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan spoke at Morgan State University, his words were powerful and his warning was clear: America is on the edge of a racial explosion and no amount of pacification nor denial can solve the problem. He described Ferguson, Mo., as the spark that could ignite the country and the reason why any who...

Time to join movement for power in Chicago?

By Final Call News Father Michael Pfleger of St. Sabina Church in Chicago drew national news and set the city abuzz with chatter after a Saturday shutdown of a major South Side expressway. Unless you want people dying as a result of getting struck by cars, the authorities absolutely had to get involved because protestors walking on a highway is a...

Muslim apologists and the truth about Farrakhan

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor Differences of opinion are the natural result of intellectual and spiritual development and, as Muslims, we are taught to make our arguments in the best manner. But when so-called differences are used to attack and malign an innocent man, that is out of bounds within Islam–which demands we speak from positions of truth. Muslims are...

An Enemy Disagreeable To Live With In Peace And Our Self-InflIicted Wounds

By Final Call News Revelations that the Nixon administration fostered the War On Drugs as a way to neutralize political enemies seen in Black America and the counter culture hippie movement during the 1960s and 1970s barely brought a reaction from Black leaders and Black organizations. Writer Dan Baum repeated an admission he attributed to Nixon-aide John Ehrlichman, who served jail...

Van Jones’ Misguided View

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor Van Jones should know a thing or two about mischaracterizations, false narratives and unequal comparisons. The CNN contributor was driven out of the Obama White House by Republicans who accused him of a ton of things–ranging from accusations he was a Communist, to charges he was a left wing extremist, to the charge that...

Surviving a shutdown is the least of America’s problems

By FinalCall.com News After a week long government shutdown, the democratic process and America's leaders were still stalled, bickering and unable to fully attend to the needs of the country.   Almost 900,000 federal workers were unable to go to work as Congress was unable to pass a funding bill and a small group hijacked the process, helped by Republican fears...

It’s still genocide

We have come through the time called Thanksgiving and annual images of turkeys, pumpkins, fall leaves, families and scenes from dinner tables as Americans gather for a special day and a precious moment. Over the years, the traditional images and stories around Thanksgiving have changed and given way to celebrations like “Friendsgiving,” a gathering of those who constitute a broader...

America’s salvation requires walking in the light of truth

Joe Biden has been declared the leader of the Democratic Party and exited its convention having delivered the best speech of his political life as part of his effort to gain the White House in 2020. The Democrats’ candidate for president emerged from his bunker in a Covid-19 stricken world speaking of light, national unity and battling for the soul...