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National day of non-violence promotes peace, change in the ’hood

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM LOS ANGELES–Demon-strators across the country mobilized for 24 hours of peace with no drug distribution, no crime, and no violence during the 2nd Annual “National Day of Non-Violence Protest Weekend.” Activists and organizers led unity actions in more than 20 cities with marches, rallies, and concerts to help end violence in Black and Indigenous communities. The National Day...

Black business faced crisis in 2020

Nearly half of Black businesses were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a report by the New York Fed. They were twice as likely to falter as White businesses, the report found. “The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed acute and deep-rooted connections between physical and economic health. Many of the same places hit hardest by the pandemic are reeling...

Resistance growing to military draft and service in unjust Iraq war

WASHINGTON ( - With tens of thousands of unprepared, poorly equipped and poorly trained reservists and National Guard members making up nearly half of the U.S. occupation force in Iraq, and in the face of the worsening military situation confronting the 140,000 U.S. troops there, the Pentagon has a major “force structure” problem on its hands. The solution to...

Remembering Harry Alford, leader of the National Black Chamber of Commerce

WASHINGTON—“Tell them I was fair and strong.”  That’s what Harry Alford, president and co-founder of the National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC), told his sons just days before he passed away from natural causes in his home on December 6. Mr. Alford’s life was a testament to the development of Black businesses. In 1989, while working as Indiana’s Deputy Commissioner for...

Servicemen accused of plotting President Obama’s death and White revolution

ERICTOUREM -Contributing Writer- ATLANTA (  - Prosecutors Aug. 30 made their case before a Long County Superior Court judge and charged three United States Army soldiers with the murder of a former serviceman and his girlfriend in an effort to protect the secret of an anti-government militia operating within the U.S. military with an expressed agenda to kill President Barack...

Promoting peace and sharing the Word of God

The Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.), men who belong to the Nation of Islam, are on a mission to promote “peace in the streets” by going out into the communities with The Final Call newspaper. This allows the brothers to engage with community residents, and share a positive word. Armed with an uplifting spirit, the F.O.I. shares the wisdom and hope...

Is The Water Unsafe To Drink In Pennsylvania Prison?

By Gregory Muhammad Pam Africa is the head of International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Philadelphia-based organization at the center of the international movement seeking Abu-Jamal's release. Ms. Africa received a phone call from one of her Move 9 family members, Mike Africa incarcerated at SCIGraterford, located in rural Pennsylvania, to inform her about the unusual smell, taste,...

The Fruit Did Not Fall Far From The Tree

Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) Student First Officer Ameer Muhammad of Muhammad Mosque No. 48 in Dallas, Texas, was officially pinned as a police officer in Greenville, Texas. Officer Ameer Muhammad completed police academy training and successfully passed the Basic Peace Officer Certification Examination with tremendously mixed emotions. What should have been a day complete of celebration from conquering a daunting...

Brown v. Board of Education, 70 years later

In 1940 the cost of a stamp was three cents, the first Social Security checks were paid, the Cincinnati Reds won the World Series, and psychologists Drs. Kenneth and Mamie Clark conducted a “doll study” with disturbing results.  Their study, with children ages three to seven, used four dolls, identical except for color, to test children’s racial perceptions. The...

In Ferguson, 10 years later, the fight for justice continues

FERGUSON, Mo.—Activists, celebrities and supporters convened in Ferguson, Missouri, during the first several days of August to commemorate the life of Mike Brown Jr. and to stand in solidarity with his family. It has been 10 years since the 18-year-old young, Black man was gunned down on August 9, 2014, by Darren Wilson, a White former Ferguson police officer....