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Peace march gains support

FCNNEWSSOURCE Official Website for 100,000 Man March Black men respond to L.A. violence ( upcoming 100,000 Man March–called to help stem the flow of violence in the Los Angeles area–recently gained a boost with the endorsement of the Brotherhood Crusade. Crusade President Danny K. Bakewell Jr., personally issued the call, urging the community to join the efforts of Nation of Islam...

Tribute to Farrakhan launches prostate cancer foundation

FCNNEWSSOURCE ( May 11, the Grand Ballroom of Chicago's Hilton and Towers hotel will be the place to be. On that day, family, friends and supporters will gather to pay homage to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on his 70th birth anniversary and to launch a major health organization in his name. "The Farrakhan Years: Yesterday, Today, and Forever–The Legacy"...

Celebrating Black Marriage

FCNNEWSSOURCE FCN Editorial: The gift of a two-parent family A Day the Lord has made (Interview)Black Marriage Day Online The first celebration of Black Marriage Day was a great success, according to organizers, participants and founder Nisa Islam Muhammad, CEO of the Wedded Bliss Foundation. Plans call for making the observance an annual event. In over 30 cities, large and small,...

Protests meet U.S. war effort

ATLANTA, Ga. ( since the Vietnam War has debate raged so high on the world scene as is now evident in the U.S.-led war against Iraq. President Bush's decision to attack Iraq has amassed world opinion against the United States, with many capitals viewing America as an aggressive superpower that is willing to trash United Nations protocol in...

Blacks in Congress do not support war

WASHINGTON ( the final votes were tallied in the House of Representatives on a resolution expressing support and appreciation for both the President and members of the armed forces for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) were once again the leaders of the loyal opposition. Many Democrats in the House found themselves in...

School lunches: weapons of mass destruction?

WASHINGTON ( - Government sponsored school breakfast and lunch programs are being called "weapons of mass destruction" by critics who want healthier meals offered to America’s children. "The food currently provided through the National School Lunch Program has not kept pace with what we know today to be truly healthy and nutritious food. Rather, the foods provided in the...

Racial profiling a crime in New Jersey

Police report confirms race profiling in L.A. Racial profiling, police abuse still alive in America TRENTON ( Jersey Governor James McGreevey (D) signed a bill March 14 that made racial profiling by public officials, including police officers, a crime. The new law creates the crime of "official deprivation" of civil rights, making it illegal for law enforcement officers to use...

U.S. challenges UN’s ‘relevance’

U.S. attack on Iraq will set precedent for nations to ignore UNUNITED NATIONS (–The date that the UN Security Council members will have to, in the words of President Bush, "show their cards" on how they feel about Saddam Hussein looms near. Depending on how the "cards"--or votes--fall will determine if the United States has world support for its desired...

The Government vs. The People?

FBI Exposed ( continues to target mosques  Legalized COINTELPRO?New Patriot Act II law would take away more liberties CHICAGO (–America is descending further down the slippery slope toward a totalitarian state, civil libertarians and rights activists are shouting, especially since the revelation of the enhanced Patriot Act legislation began circulating on Capitol Hill. The amendments to the original Patriot Act, which...

Hip hop movement joins anti-war voices

ERICTOUREM The Hip-Hop Summit Action Network's Open Letter To President Bush (BEC)Musicians United to Win Without War  NEW ORLEANS ( Hip Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN) announced the formation of Musicians United to Win Without War, a national coalition dedicated to preventing war in Iraq. The new coalition joined the broader Win Without War organization at a Feb. 27 news conference in...