Minister Louis Farrakhan

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The Swan Song Part V

(The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a near five-hour presentation Feb. 27 as Saviours’ Day 2022 was commemorated in Chicago at Mosque Maryam and the National Center of the Nation of Islam. His subject was “The Swan Song.” Below are excerpts from this amazing address and part 5 of our presentations and the final installment of this incredible message....

God has come to answer our cry for justice by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Brothers and sisters, you are a good people, but you’ve been in the hands of a rebel against God; and any time God’s Guidance, His Law, is not respected by you, and you rebel against His Law, you make yourself an enemy of God, or a “devil.”  In the Genesis of the Bible, Adam received good instruction.  He wasn’t like...

The Greatness of Master Fard Muhammad

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. Those of you who do not know Master Fard Muhammad may think that we are in error for believing in Him as Mahdi. What I want you to do is to give Him a chance to tell you, through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, what He revealed; then, you go and study...

The divine destruction of America: Can she avert it?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. I have chosen as a subject today, “The Divine Destruction of America: Can She Avert It?” America is the greatest nation on earth and the greatest nation in the last 6,000 years. But America and her people, which includes you, face divine destruction. The question is: Can she avert it? In the...

He Came That We May Have Life

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. We must understand today, that the one thing the enemy has always feared is that the mass poor would hear and respond to a voice that would uplift them. In the scriptures, Jesus had a feast and he sent for the doctor, but he was busy. So Jesus sent for the...

Why the Lie and the Liar Are Being Exposed

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. What is a "lie"?What is a "liar"?What is the meaning of “exposed”? A “lie” is “a false statement made with a deliberate attempt to deceive; an intentional untruth.”  Everyone, at some point in life, has told a lie.  But “telling a lie” does not necessarily make one a liar.  A “liar” is “a person who has lied, or lies repeatedly.”  According...

‘The Announcement’

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, Brothers and Sisters, we are honored by your presence here this morning. I am a man who has great respect for the Press and the electronic media and I also have respect for myself and my mission. As you know, I do not readily submit to interviews, nor am I frequently seen on the...

The Wreath-Laying Ceremony Honoring Our Brother Mayor Marion Barry Jr.

‘He Whom Allah (God) Befriends is Not Disgraced’ In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. As-Salaam Alaikum (Peace be unto you). Thank you, Sister Cora Masters Barry.  Thank you, Bishop Thomas A. Masters, and thank you, Sister Claudette Marie Muhammad.  To everyone that is here, thank you so much for the honor you have brought to yourself for honoring one...

The Question of ‘Integration’ vs. ‘Separation’

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. “Integration” vs. “Separation”: Which Way Should We Go?” For some of us, the word “integration” conjures up a lot of the pictures of the “1960s” when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and so many of our Black leaders and a host of young men and women went into the streets and marched for...

Warning from a Warner and the Judgement of Allah (God)

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. Greetings to you. I am Minister Louis Farrakhan, National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Eternal Leader of The Nation of Islam, and that Great Preacher of Freedom, Justice and Equality to the Black people of America, the Western Hemisphere, and The Aboriginal People of the Earth. The Great Preacher, Elijah...