Minister Louis Farrakhan

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The Genocide of Palestinians: A Test for The Whole Human Family

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. For these last two months, I have been in my house, in my room, music room, baptizing myself in the pain and the bloodshed of my Palestinian family.  Brothers and sisters, that is our family.  You may not think that, but it’s okay; you have to grow beyond yourself, and you have...

‘The Wheel’ – That Great Mother Plane: Allah’s (God’s) Calling Card

‘The time and what must be done’—2013 Lecture Series, part 51 In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. Greetings to you, I am Minister Louis Farrakhan, National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that Great Preacher of Freedom, Justice and Equality to the Black man and woman of America and the Western hemisphere, and to the Aboriginal People of the...

Islam: An Invitation To All Humanity

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. This great day of honor, we thank Allah (God) for his (Prophet Muhammad’s, Peace Be Upon Him) birth into the world, and thanking Allah that he (the Prophet) had a heart so attuned to Allah (God) that it pleased Allah (God) to give him the final revelation that would be given...

America’s Efforts to Imprison True Freedom Fighters

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. My dear brothers and sisters, right now as we speak:  Mumia Abu Jamal is absolutely a prisoner of conscience.  A “prisoner,” that if they get their way, they will sentence my brother, and order his death.  But in a hearing, they wanted to give him a new trial, where his attorneys could produce evidence...

The War of Armageddon: How Strong Is The Foundation? Can We Survive?

My subject today is tangential, in that I’m not going to speak specifically on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but on yours and mine. He showed us that the grave has no victory and death has lost its sting, but we have misunderstood the scriptures greatly to the joy of Satan. We are looking for resurrection from a physical...

The Rise of the Indigenous Peoples

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us that there would come a time when the Black, the Red, and the Brown would come to great power in this land, America—the land that belongs, originally, to the Indigenous people. Our Native American brothers and sisters always refer to our planet as “Mother Earth”; and...

America has become an armed and angry camp

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. In America, according to the Constitution, we have the right of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. I’m grateful to God to live in a country that made that type of provision in the basic legal document that is the foundation of the politics and governance of this society. Why did...

‘Laying The Foundation For Our Own Black Nation’ (con’t)

We Must Have Land To Call Our Own Address to The Nubian Leadership Circle, Summit IX In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. In last week’s edition of The Final Call newspaper (Vol. 43 No. 4 dated October 31, 2023), I asked each of you to go to the back page and study what Allah gave to the Most Honorable...

Falsehood Cannot Undermine the Power of Truth

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. It seems as though that some of you are so upset by what I am saying, that you write disrespectful “tweets” and words, calling Louis Farrakhan: “Crazy Louie.” Of course, that is your prerogative to be cheap, and disrespectful, if that is what you feel. But I am in excellent company...