Minister Louis Farrakhan

Home Minister Louis Farrakhan

The Criterion, Part II

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. Mr. Alan Dershowitz, if you bring the Covid-19 vaccine and say you’re going to bring your army to force us to take it, once you try to force us, that’s a declaration of war on all of us. You only have this one life.  Fight like hell to keep it and fight...

The Disappearing Black Community: How We Can Get It Back

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. To my dear and beloved sister Bev Smith, to our dear brother Congressman Jim Clyburn, and to my beloved warrior-sister Dorothy Tillman: I am very grateful for the privilege of being here before you tonight. I want to also thank Brother Jerry Lopes and American Urban Radio Networks, and all those...


In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. We give Him praise and thanks for all of His prophets and the scriptures which they brought. We thank Him for Moses and the Israelite prophets that gave us the Torah and The Old Testament. We thank Him for Jesus who gave us the Injil (or “The Gospel”), and the Apostles that gave...

Statement on the passing Archbishop Desmond Tutu

IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE BENEFICENT, THE MERCIFUL. December 27, 2021 As-Salaam Alaikum. (Peace Be Unto You) To the people of South Africa and to all those who mourn the loss of our brother, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. He was an extraordinary man with great spiritual character rooted in the love of Jesus the Christ and his fellow man. Through the darkness of...

Love Ye One Another, Even As I Have Loved You

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, This world talks a lot about love, but to understand love is to understand the core out of which God operates. Love is not an emotion. It’s not that tender feeling that one gets in the heart when you see someone you are attracted to. We are not talking about love...

Can Black and White Live Together in Peace?

Editor’s note:  The following article contains excerpts from an hour-long message delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Part 39 of his 58-week Lecture Series “The Time and What Must Be Done.”  This message originally aired on October 5, 2013. We are publishing portions of the message because of serious conditions we see playing out in the streets of America, the halls...

The Question of ‘Integration’ vs. ‘Separation’

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. “Integration” vs. “Separation”: Which Way Should We Go?” For some of us, the word “integration” conjures up a lot of the pictures of the “1960s” when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and so many of our Black leaders and a host of young men and women went into the streets and marched for...

The Ultimate Decision: Will You Choose God’s World or Satan’s?

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. As-Salaam Alaikum. The message in the mouth of the messenger that comes at the end of the world condemns a whole world.  It’s not a man talking about a nation or a ruler or a king or government or a system.  This is a message that condemns rulers, all of them; systems,...

America Kindles God’s Anger, Wrath

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. We all have had some kind of religious experience. Either we went to church, synagogue or the mosque and we heard the preacher talk about God’s Judgment. Sometimes the reverend would say it in a way that would make it so frightening—and the Judgment of Allah is a frightening thing. The...

A Reformed World Starts with a Reformed, Exalted Woman by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. The woman, if true to her feminine nature, is really an advance over the man.  Not because of her beauty, her accomplishments, or even the nature of her love when correctly awakened, but because she possesses the womb, “the laboratory,” wherein are fashioned those who will inhabit the world.  The womb...