Unveiling The Number 19

Home Columns Unveiling The Number 19

The magical journey continues to meet Our Lord

“And We will set up a just balance on the day of Resurrection, so no soul will be wronged in the least. And if there be the weight of a grain of mustard seed, We will bring it. And Sufficient are We to take account.” —Holy Qur’an Surah 21, verse 47  In the Nation of Islam’s Sacred Writings of Lessons, we are...

The Work of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their father

Unveiling the Number 19

“When Moses said to his family: Surely I see a fire; I will bring you news thence, or bring you there from a burning brand, so that you may warm yourselves. So when he came to it, a voice issued, saying: Blessed is he who is in search of fire and those around it. And glory be to Allah,...

MXODUS Tours travel downhill from the border of Canada

MXODUS Tours travel downhill from the border of Canada to Mexico’s southern sphere More colmuns by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad “And certainly We have made the Word to have many connections for their sake, so that they may be mindful. Those to whom We gave the Book before it, they are believers in it. And when it is recited to them...

The Ancient Roots of Mexico

Exploration and Discovery–Mxodus ToursAugust 14-23, 2008 More colmuns by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad “Say: O Allah, Owner of the Kingdom, Thou givest the kingdom to whom Thou pleasest, and takest away the kingdom from whom Thou pleasest, and Thou exaltest whom Thou pleasest and abasest whom Thou pleasest. In Thine hand is the good. Surely, Thou art Possessor of power over...

Biologically Engineered Weapons Manufactured and Deployed in Genocidal Warfare

More columns by Mother Tynnetta Muhammad “Surely thou canst not guide whom thou lovest, but Allah guides whom He pleases; and He knows best those who walk aright. And they say: If we follow the guidance with thee, we should be carried off from our country. Have We not settled them in a safe, sacred territory to which fruits...

Two Witnesses of the Extraordinary Experience at Chichen-Itza Pyramid Site during the Spring Equinox Ceremony

“So he revealed to His servant what He revealed. The heart was not untrue in seeing what he saw.” –Holy Qur'an, Surah 53, verse 49' Sister Callie MuhammadMost famous of the Mayan archaeological sites is Chichen-Itza in the state of Yucatan, and in the country of Mexico, thousands of people from all over the world meet to participate and...

Unveiling the Number 19 Becomes a Trial for the Nation

THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION BEGINS | IN SEARCH OF THE MESSIAH “On the day when the heaven will be in a state of commotion, And the mountains will pass away, fleeing. Woe on that day to the deniers, Who amuse themselves by vain talk.” —Holy Qur'an, Surah 52, verses 9-12 Quoting from Book III of the “Women in Islam” Educational...

Back to the Bermuda Triangle Electromagnetic Vortex in the Bahamas

The Discovery of Lost Atlantis Continues “Surely We sent Noah to his people, saying: Warn thy people before there come to them a painful chastisement. He said: O my people, surely I am a plain warner to you. That you should serve Allah and keep your duty to Him and obey me–He will forgive you some of your sins...

The Rise of the Nation of Islam in the West and the Establishment of God’s New World Kingdom on Earth

“Say: I am only a warner; and there is no God but Allah, the One, the Subduer (of all)–The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, the Mighty, the Forgiving.” —Holy Qur'an, Surah 38, verses 65-66 The Divine Mission of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in establishing the Nation of Islam, God's kingdom on earth,...

Back to Eden and the Genealogy of the Adamic Race—Yacob’s Grafted Devil

“And he who believed said: O my people, follow me I will guide you to the right way.   O my people, this life of the world is but a (passing) enjoyment, and the Hereafter, that is the abode to settle.   Whoever does evil, he is requited only with the like of it; and whoever does good,...