Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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Beware of Starchy Foods and Sweets

How To Eat To Live

God Almighty has taught me–and many others–that we should never eat more than one meal a day. That will most certainly heal you of many complaints. Since the American citizens eat more meat, sugar and starchy foods than they should, there is almost an epidemic of too much sugar accumulating in our blood. Eating one meal a day, which...

The Blood Shedder

According to the word of Allah (God) and the history of the world, since the grafting of the Caucasian race 6,000 years ago, they have caused more bloodshed than any people known to the black nation. Born murderers, their very nature is to murder. The Bible and Holy Qur'an Sharrieff are full of teachings of this bloody race of...

The Hidden Truth

Hiding the truth is a very serious thing to do. It causes harm and disappointment and causes one to be misled. It causes loss of property and life. It causes the loss of friendship, beloved ones, and loss of confidence and trust. In court, it causes heavy penalties and someone's being sent to prison or to death for that of...

Original Man Know Thyself

It is knowledge of self that the so-called Negroes lack which keeps them from enjoying freedom, justice and equality. This belongs to them divinely as much as it does to other nations of the earth. It is Allah's (God's) will and purpose that we shall know ourselves. Therefore He came Himself to teach us the knowledge of self. Who is...

Truths To Set You Free

What should you know, what should you do, and what is your place in this change of worlds, governments and people? You have the best offer; better than that of any other human beings who have ever lived. You have been taught for the past 34 years from the mouth of Almighty God, Allah, through His Messenger that you are...

Islam for the so-called negroes by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Say: “O people, if you are in doubt as to my religion, (Islam) then know that I do not serve those whom you serve besides Allah, Who will cause you to die” (Holy Qur'an 10:104) According to the past histories of prophets and reformers, the very people to whom they were sent with the light of truth were their rejecters...

Decline of the dollar

The stronghold of the American government is falling to pieces. She has lost her prestige among the nations of the earth. One of the greatest powers of America was her dollar. The loss of such power will bring any nation to weakness, for this is the media of exchange between nations. The English pound and the American dollar have...

The Principles of Islam

The number one principle of Islam is a belief in Allah (God); the belief in a power higher than man. Although man may be ignorant of just who it is who has such supreme power, it can be traced back to the beginning of the civilization of the human race and to the beginning of the writing of history....

America Surrounded with The Judgment of Allah

The four great judgments that Almighty Allah (God) is bringing upon America are rain, hail, snow and earthquakes. We see them now covering all sides of America, as the Holy Qur'an prophesies, curtailing her on all her sides. And these judgments would push the people into the center of the country, and there they would realize that it is...

America’s Dreaded Destiny

America and her people have been here, according to history, since a few years after Columbus, the explorer. She conquered the aboriginal red Indians, the original owners of the land, whom she found here and took it for a home for herself and kind. She has continued conquering until her conquering power has gone around the earth affecting every...