Honorable Elijah Muhammad

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Ezekiel’s Prophecy of The Wheel

Ezekiel saw the Mother Plane in a vision. According to the Bible, he looked up and saw this Plane (Ez. 1:16) and he called it a wheel because it was made like a wheel. A Plane that is wheel-shaped can turn in any direction, at any time. He admitted that the Plane was so high that it looked dreadful,...

A Rule We Must Live By

Almighty God, Allah, who appeared in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, has given us the knowledge of self and others, and we are now spreading it. Allah chose me to teach you this particular subject: “Accept your Own and be Yourself.” This was His first and foremost teaching for us. This is the teaching and these are the...

The Judgment Nears

The Fall of America

Everywhere that we look, and everything that we can think about, marks the end of this world. There never was a time in the history of the United States of America that the President goes out to try to visit the heads of all of the nations that seem to be somewhat his equal! He is like a criminal who...

The Coming of God and The Gathering Together of His People

The prophets have warned us of a time that would come when God would judge the wicked and punish, or rather destroy, the wicked and give the earth over to the rule of a righteous people. So many of us have misunderstood just what we should expect. What will God look like? If we expect the destruction of the...

The Dissatisfied

We are living in the time when dissatisfaction is 100 percent throughout the world of man and mankind. Therefore we are living among the dissatisfied persons, daily and nightly. No one is satisfied though they may be righteous. They are not satisfied because they are living among unrighteousness. So the whole entire world of the wicked and the righteous is...

The Coming of The Son of Man, The Great Mahdi

“For as the lightning cometh out of the East, and shineth even unto the West, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matt. 24:27) My greatest and only desire is to bring true understanding of the word of God, His prophets and the scriptures, which the prophets were sent with, pertaining to the lost-found people (the...

Certainty of the Punishment

(Holy Qur'an 70:6,7,8)Ch. 70:6, “Surely they see it far off,”7, “And We see it nigh.”8, “The day when the heaven is as molten brass.” The Holy Qur'an, is the truest religious Book, that can be found on the planet earth. It gives guidance to the wisest philosopher and to the most ignorant savage says Maulana Muhammad Ali, (translator of the...

Beware of Starchy Foods and Sweets

How To Eat To Live

God Almighty has taught me–and many others–that we should never eat more than one meal a day. That will most certainly heal you of many complaints. Since the American citizens eat more meat, sugar and starchy foods than they should, there is almost an epidemic of too much sugar accumulating in our blood. Eating one meal a day, which...

The Blood Shedder

According to the word of Allah (God) and the history of the world, since the grafting of the Caucasian race 6,000 years ago, they have caused more bloodshed than any people known to the black nation. Born murderers, their very nature is to murder. The Bible and Holy Qur'an Sharrieff are full of teachings of this bloody race of...

The Hidden Truth

Hiding the truth is a very serious thing to do. It causes harm and disappointment and causes one to be misled. It causes loss of property and life. It causes the loss of friendship, beloved ones, and loss of confidence and trust. In court, it causes heavy penalties and someone's being sent to prison or to death for that of...