Farrakhan The Traveler

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The power of something new

FCNNEWSSOURCE Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  My last article was inspired by a few recent short talks I had with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. He was in profound pain. I was deeply affected by his condition. I love him. I also know he is being divinely guided. Therefore, there is always significance for him, as well as for...

The pain of purification and recreation

FCNNEWSSOURCE Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  I'm among those who just received from FinalCall.com News a copy of the very intelligent and compassionate press release of  Brother Russell Simmons' response to Mr. Abraham Foxman's twenty-plus-years-old self-defeating tirade against the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. It was dated Monday, May 9, 7:30 p.m. ET; Source: Hip-Hop Summit Action Network. Towards...

An eye on prophecy

FCNNEWSSOURCE Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  “… in the same way false teachers will appear among you. They will bring in destructive, untrue doctrines, and deny the Master who redeemed them… .” (Today's English Version Peter 2:1) “Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, we believe, and will not be tried?” (Holy Qur'an, 29:2) The January...

A mature representation of the message

FCNNEWSSOURCE Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's answer of his relation to his teacher to the one-question interview I conducted with him on January 10, 1996, which I placed in the book This Is The One, continues here. Minister Farrakhan: So the master, when he leaves, with his fully developed understanding of the depth and...

Time draws near for winds to blow on dry bones in the valley

FCNNEWSSOURCE Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  "Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins. (James 5:20) And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover multitude of sins. (1Peter 4:8) Today is called Palm Sunday....

Our need to ascend

FCNNEWSSOURCE Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  Five of the first six problems of the fifth written Lesson Registered Muslims received under the leadership of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad–and now from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan–directly concerned the problems of the health of the Black woman in America. Whether we're Muslims, Christians, Jews or otherwise, we're generally in bad health...

Are you prepared to accept God’s Supreme Offer?

FCNNEWSSOURCE Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  Click Here to Join Minister Jabril Muhammad's Mailing List I thank Sisters Dora, Vanessa, Nubian and Patina for overcoming the problems involved in getting my last article into this wonderful newspaper. In my view, we'll be doing a great injustice to Allah, the Messiah, the Honorable Minister Farrakhan and to ourselves,...

The future of the Nation

FCNNEWSSOURCE Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  Click Here to Join Minister Jabril Muhammad's Mailing List On December 4, 2004 I asked the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: Brother Minister, in a recent web cast you informed us, in a very brief manner, what led to your inviting Dr. Alim to your bedside when you were convalescing, to...

Why and how do we make comparisons?

FCNNEWSSOURCE Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  Click Here to Join Minister Jabril Muhammad's Mailing List My last article ended with: “Now, this is being written on the last day of 2004. Is 2005 the 70th year mentioned in Daniel? What's written that's coming up?” Why? Because of current events, both small and large, within the Nation...

A whole, not partial, acceptance

JABRIL.MUHAMMAD Previous Farrakhan The Traveler Articles  Click Here to Join Minister Jabril Muhammad's Mailing List In December 2000, I wrote an article that appeared in Volume 20, Number 13 of The Final Call. Here it is, with the rest to follow next issue, Allah willing. In the A. Maududi translation of the Holy Qur'an, 3:54, we read that,...