Farrakhan The Traveler

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Truth loves more truth

Farrakhan The Traveler

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan ended our December 4th interview, which appeared last week in this column, with: “So these great preachers, they water my spirit and my soul. If you’re humble enough and love the word of God enough, you really don’t care who speaks it. You are anxious to hear more of what you love. “That is all...

God’s wisdom and guidance in the regeneration of Black family life

The prophets demonstrated how family life should be, in terms of Allah's will. They demonstrated the proper treatment of the women, the children, as well as how to make the weak strong and the poor rich and rich good.   A somewhat deeper examination of the factors leading to the wretched state of the woman and children in each of...

Ending confusion, closing the gap

Farrakhan The Traveler

Now that we have covered what we have, in the last few articles, we can get closer to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's heart–a heart that was prophesied by God through His prophets long ago. After his teacher, Minister Farrakhan has the next hardest job of any man who ever lived. This job is as hard as it is because...

Our lives fit into a plan of good to those who love God

Farrakhan The Traveler

The reason I asked the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan what courses he took in high school was to help us look a bit deeper into an important aspect of his preparation prior to his meeting with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. It bears on his success in his performance of the divine assignment he received from the Messiah before he...

Method, motive, maturity, love: The keys to learning

Farrakhan The Traveler

The word obligation means an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment; the condition of being morally or legally bound to do something. The word obligation is also connected to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's assignment, given to him in 1955, from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad when he first...

We should not be blind today

Farrakhan The Traveler

In the Muhammad Ali translation of the Holy Qur'an, we read that Moses made this request of Allah for his “brother, Aaron, he is more eloquent in speech than I, so send him with me as a helper to confirm me. He said: … We will give you both an authority, so that they shall not reach you. With...

Gratitude, Envy and Redemption

Farrakhan The Traveler

More Excerpts from 'Closing the Gap…' Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint and was published on March 11, 2008.] I’m asking you to either buy and give it away as a gift or motivate someone else to buy a copy of this book “Closing The Gap and read it.” On page 159 of “Closing The Gap” starts this article: Brother Jabril: Brother...

The integrity of Allah and the purpose of suffering injustice

Farrakhan The Traveler

The word “attitude” generally means “a mental position with regard to a fact or state; a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state; state of mind.” The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has made it clear, time and again that our attitude–in all circumstances–is a major factor in energizing us to do what we must do to properly relate to...

Increasing Insight And Understanding Into An Extraordinary Man Of God

Farrakhan The Traveler

It also brings us to fulfilling the writings of Paul in the book of Acts and most of his writings; the understanding of them; the fulfillment of them when he comes to the end of a term, where he is arrested imprisoned and he tells the apostles and the disciples that, “I have kept the faith. I have fought...

The growing ‘enormity’ of the Minister’s vision like experience

Farrakhan The Traveler

In 1977 the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan determined that he would, by Allah's help, lift the name and rebuild the work of his teacher, and fifty-five months after he announced that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was physically alive, Minister Farrakhan had a very unusual experience. In a little mountain village, in the country of Mexico, during the night of September...