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African leaders appeal for Darfur, Sudan peace deal

Ex-rebel women are peacemakers in Darfur talks (FCN, 01-10-2006)Sudan needs help, not sanctions - A report from Darfur (TWF, 09-23-2004)Sudan, Oil, and the Darfur Crisis (FCN, 07-07-2004) Abuja, Nigeria (PANA) - African leaders attending the African Union's special summit on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Abuja on Thursday took turns to appeal to the parties at the Darfur peace...

Iran showdown tests power of ‘Israel lobby’

JIM.LOBE Pro-Israel lobby dictates U.S. policy, study charges (FCN, 04-05-2006)Iranian ambassador sets the record straight (FCN, 04-07-2006)Iran: Zionist regime root-cause of Middle East insecurity (IRNA, 04-08-2006) Nuclear hypocrisy in Iran's treatment (FCN, 03-12-2006) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - One month after the publication by two influential international relations scholars of a highly controversial essay on the so-called “Israel Lobby,” their thesis that the...

Bush sticks to neo-conservative course on Israel

JIM.LOBE Are Israel's Interests In Americas' Interests? (, 03-29-2006) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - If the medium is the message, then President George Bush's choice of forum to launch a new public campaign to defend his beleaguered Iraq policy should be troubling to those hoping his administration was moving toward a more even-handed stance in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The staunchly neo-conservative Foundation...

U.S. opposes Iran oil pipeline as dollar fluctuates

UNITED NATIONS ( - Phyllis Bennis, senior fellow, Middle East/UN Affairs expert for the Washington-based Institute of Policy Studies, told the Inter Press service back in December that “2006 would be the crucial year” in determining whether the United Nations could “reclaim its role as an independent actor on the world scene, or whether the virulent United States choice...

Powerful neocon brotherhood begins unraveling

JIM.LOBE United States foreign policy Hijacked (FCN, 07-02-2004)Webcast: Guidance in a Time of Trouble (FCN, 05-03-2004) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - The Washington foreign policy elite finds itself on pins and needles awaiting a response from the neoconservative heavyweights at the Weekly Standard magazine to a scorching denunciation by one of their most venerable fellow travelers, Francis Fukuyama, in Sunday's New York Times...

Half of U.S. troops in Iraq say it’s time to come home

Most Iraqis doubt U.S. will ever leave (FCN, 02-14-2006)Broken coalition, resistance and dwindling recruitment mark two-year anniversary of U.S. invasion of Iraq (FCN, 04-06-2005) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - The findings of an unprecedented poll of U.S. troops in Iraq are certain to add to steadily growing pressures on the Bush administration to accelerate Washington's withdrawal from a country that...

Secret prison in Afghanistan called ‘Son of Guantanamo’

Amnesty: Guantanamo 'the gulag of our time' (FCN, 06-08-2005)FCN Transcript/Webcast: Min. Farrakhan Press Conference on Guantamo Detention Center (FCN, 05-25-2005) NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - Legal, diplomatic, religious and human rights authorities are struggling to be heard on what many consider to be the “Son of Guantanamo”–a secret prison in Afghanistan where the U.S. military is said to have been...

Most Iraqis doubt U.S. will ever leave

JIM.LOBE ‘Why do they hate us?'–A new view surfaces (FCN, 07-27-2005) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - Large majorities of Iraqis believe that the United States has no intention of ever withdrawing all its military forces from their country, and that Washington's reconstruction efforts have been incompetent at best, according to a new survey released January 31. At the same time, however, only 35...

Congo Brazzaville president elected African Union Chairman

President Denis Sassou Nguesso succeeds Obasanjo as AU chairman African Union opens with plea for peace, economic development (FCN, 01-23-2006) Khartoum, Sudan (PANA) - African leaders Tuesday elected President Denis Sassou Nguesso of Congo Brazzaville as the next African Union (AU) chairman, to succeed Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, who led the Union for 18 months. Nguesso's election on the second day of...

African Union opens with plea for peace, economic development

AU ministers to chart role of Diaspora in Africa's growth (FCN, 05-28-2003)Birth of the African Union (FCN, 07-14-2002)The Birth of the African Union (Min. Louis Farrakhan, 07-24-2001) Khartoum, Sudan (PANA) -  The sixth ordinary session of the African Union (AU) summit opened in Khartoum on Monday, with African leaders expressing resolve to foster peace and economic development in the...