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WHO warns of emerging deadly diseases worldwide

NEW YORK, UN (PANA) - The World Health Organization (WHO), recently warned of the emergence of new diseases around the world spreading “at an unprecedented rate.” “The emerging infections are moving more quickly, as well as spreading faster and becoming increasingly difficult to treat,” the UN health agency warned in its 2007 annual report released in Geneva. It cautioned that...

Intra-African trade vital for continent-wide development

“Accelerating Growth through Improved Intra-African Trade” is the name of a recent study produced by the Africa Growth Initiative at the Brookings Institute. Africa is the second largest continent in the world and three times the size of the United States. But if you compare economies, Africa is quite small. “In 2010, its gross domestic product was approximately $1.6...

Looking Ahead For The Motherland In 2017

In a “what to look for in Africa during 2017,” among other things, the BBC included watching incoming U. S. President Donald Trump. Similar to Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, who has said that Mr. Trump, more than any single individual in recent history would assist in unifying Black America, the BBC noted the incoming president has...

Time for Black South Africans to control the economy?

During a wide-ranging interview with Africa Watch, Redge Nkosi, the Pretoria-based founder and executive director of First Source Money and Public Banking of South Africa, said, “You cannot have a (White) minority determining an agenda in a country that is overwhelmingly African.” South Africa, which is 80 percent Black African, still has an economy controlled by a White minority. Nkosi, who...

South Africa chief rabbi’s ‘blind spot’ to Israeli apartheid

In South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent weekly column, the former anti-apartheid activist expressed his angst at the “total disregard for successive United Nations Security Council resolutions that call for an end to the occupation (by Israel) of Palestinian land and the denial of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.” The South African president added, that without a willingness to...

The important history of ancient Sudan

KHARTOUM, Sudan—My first response after touring the Sudan National Museum in Khartoum was that it was a sin and a shame that a country as rich in history as Sudan has not invested heavily in preserving its history. I told my fellow visitor to the museum, the son of the late Sheikh Hassan Turabi, Sudan’s former attorney general, former speaker...

Economies of former French colonies still under colonial control

In recent years, France has received an ever-growing barrage of negative news reports concerning its neocolonial ties to Africa. From 2018, when the French ambassador to the U.S. slammed “Daily Show” host Trevor Noah for saying Africa deserved credit for France’s World Cup soccer team victory due to the large number of Black players on the team; to the refusal to return...

Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba and the fight for a united Africa

The only remains of murdered Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba—a gold-capped tooth in a blue box—was handed over to his family during a ceremony in Brussels, noted the German international newscaster. This symbolic handover of the first democratically elected leader of the now Democratic Republic of Congo, and recent visit by Belgium’s King Phillippe to the minerally rich country appeared...

Some observers wary of the deal between Sudan’s military and civilian political parties

Knee-deep in Sudanese political formulations is how I’m defining my 2021-2022. While I’m writing this, my wife Zakia who is from Sudan, is appearing on Al-Watan TV from Turkey. In Arabic, she is explaining her organization’s response to the announcement by Sudanese parties of an initial political framework agreement. Her organization is called “Sudan Future Campaign” (SFC). They say initial...

Kenya’s president urges shift away from U.S. dollar in intra-continental trade

At the recent two-day Summit for a New Global Financing Pact, convened by France and hosted by President Emmanuel Macron, Kenyan President William Ruto made a “compelling case for a new global financial architecture,” according to Today News Africa. Numerous world leaders were in attendance at the summit, including Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados; Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany;...