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You’re 2 Krazy!

This is not to say that many technologically-dependent devices may not malfunction to varying degrees, come the new year, but it will be because of scientific miscalculation, rather than Divine Decree. As columnist Mary Schmich wrote recently in the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, "‘Millennium’ by any definition is an arbitrary human invention. So why can’t we reinvent it...

A few words on The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

  "The Messenger made the message very clear. He turned alienation into emancipation. He concentrated on taking the slums out of the people and then the people out of the slums."   "He was the father of Black consciousness. His leadership exceeded far beyond the membership of the Black Muslims. For more than three decades, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has been...

Malcolm’s on a stamp and we got licked

By Yemi Toure -Guest Columnist- A tear rolled down the face of Attallah Shabazz, Malcolm X’s oldest daughter, as she spoke in Harlem, N.Y., at the unveiling of a U.S. postage stamp with the image of her father. Also present at the Jan. 20 ceremony at the Apollo Theatre were Shabazz’s five sisters; Ossie Davis, who eulogized Malcolm in 1965; and many...

The FBI-Manufactured Plot to Kill Farrakhan

By John Dee The Shabazz Sanction Originally published in the Lumpen Times v.3 n.27 (March 1995). "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinions of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers too plainly proves a deliberate, systematical plan of reducing us to slavery." -Thomas...