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Eleven Fifty-Five – Long live the king!

Brother Nuri Muhammad just faxed me a copy of a LOS ANGELES SENTINEL article announcing the death of a close friend and loyal Brother of ours, Celes King III– a skilled and dependable bail bondsman, and a glowing example of the meaning of the word "friend." A former Tuskegee Airman, Celes became known as the most...

When are we going to rebuild America?

By George E. Curry -Guest Columnist- Before the United States could target Iraq with its first Tomahawk cruise missile, a handful of companies–all with strong Republican ties–were already lined up at the government trough to see how they could divide up to $100 billion for post-war reconstruction. Let me get this straight. We will spend $100 billion to $200 billion to...

What is this thing called ‘food’?

Many years ago, while listening to and/or reading the teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we all became acquainted with his oft-used phrase "POISON ANIMAL EATERS." Immediately, we assumed that he was referring only to eaters of the filthy pig, or "pork," as they like to respectfully call it. As we matured in The Faith, however,...

You are still what you eat

Browsing through almost any news writings–papers, magazines, E-mails–it is virtually impossible to overlook the fact that, despite all the nutritional information that is being offered via newspapers, magazines, television, radio, billboards and all other means of mass information, the eating habits of our people seem to get worse, instead of better. A senior citizen magazine to...

Like being a little bit pregnant

Through the years, as the proof multiplies that eating the flesh of other creatures is deadly, more and more people (depending upon their intelligence level) are beginning to decrease their intake of the poison animals. This term is not referring to a particular class of animals, as if some were poison and some were not. It...

Who is poisoning the ‘Homeland’?

Guest Columnist "This is a hoax. This is a hoax," warned Senator Robert Byrd (R-WVa.) in debates over the Homeland Security Bill of 2002. The Senate was given a 484-page document and was required to vote on it in 48 hours without committee scrutiny or public hearings. Why? What is President "Pharaoh" Bush trying to sneak over on the...

Who got paid in the Black farmers’ lawsuit?

"Why is it that the only people who got paid in the Black farmers’ lawsuit against the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) are the White monitor, the White lead counsel, the White judge, the White arbitrators; the Black lawyers didn’t get paid and the Black farmers didn’t get paid?" We raised this question to Attorney Randi Roth, the Pigford...

FCN Editorial Will Bush put a squeeze on weapons inspectors? - Now that UN weapons inspectors have arrived in Iraq, will they be strong enough to withstand U.S. intimidation and name-calling and go about their business fairly and objectively? We hope so, but it will take strong resolve from the weapons inspectors leader, Hans Blix. Even though each of the 15 UN Security Council members voted in support...

Eleven Fifty-five Water – saviour or killer

Back in November, 1997, THE NEW YORK TIMES ran a feature article entitled, "Turbid Tap Water May Be Source Of Unexplained Intestinal Ailments." This comes as no surprise to those of us who follow Minister Louis Farrakhan, which is why we choose and purchase the water that we drink. The story’s sub-head reads, "Ills blamed on...

Bush dismisses Black America as he targets West African Oil

(, slaves were considered "black gold." However, in modern times the new black gold is oil. Not just any oil, but the oil from the soil and shores of Africa. The Bush Administration has "aimed their guns" at Africa and begun firing. Many articles featured recently in international magazines and the New York Times have mentioned West...