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A voice for Black America passes

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor The passing of George E. Curry, a great defender and supporter of the Black Press and an important editor and journalist, was sudden and difficult for me to hear. I had known Mr. Curry, as I usually called him, for some years. I took a trip with him to Algeria and Western Sahara in North...

Muslim apologists and the truth about Farrakhan

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor Differences of opinion are the natural result of intellectual and spiritual development and, as Muslims, we are taught to make our arguments in the best manner. But when so-called differences are used to attack and malign an innocent man, that is out of bounds within Islam–which demands we speak from positions of truth. Muslims are...

Trump war talk and a crisis with Iran

FINALCALL.COM The most recent saber rattling toward Iran from the United States is bringing the Middle East and the world closer to a war that no one should want and a war that could threaten the entire planet. President Trump, backed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton, has accused Iran of bombing oil tankers in...

Cops and police unions strike back

FINALCALL.COM “Master Fard Muhammad said to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad: ‘Cast the rotten apple out quick!’–He didn’t say try to coddle somebody that’s rotten!   If you leave a rotten person in your society, after a while the whole bunch will become rotten! The whole church will become rotten, the mosque will become rotten, the organization will become rotten because...

Biden’s Backstabbing, Haiti, Blacks, and False Promises

“The government only wants to pacify her once slaves with fancy false promises that she knows she cannot fulfill without the loss of friendship and bloodshed among her own people. But there is nothing like a good future in these rosy promises for the so-called Negroes.” —The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, “Message To the Black Man,” 1965 When thousands of Haitian immigrants...

A sex-trafficked Black girl; another unjust American judgment

In what world does a 16-year-old girl escape her sexual abuser and pimp, taking his life to preserve her own, but ends up sentenced to over 11 years in prison? Only in America, or highly likely in America, when the victim is a Black girl and her abuser was a White male twice her age. The case of sex-trafficking victim Chrystul...

The Color of American Injustice

By FinalCall.com News When certain things happen, you almost automatically can assume that the victim is Black, such things include fatal police encounters with officers during routine traffic stops and criminal justice decisions that defy logic and render no justice. In recent weeks there have been stories of Black men in Florida, Arkansas and North Carolina, who died in incidents with...

The NFL, domestic abuse and Black America’s degraded condition

By FinalCall.com News The videotaped encounter between former NFL player Ray Rice and his then-fiancée have opened floodgates of discussion about domestic violence and the respect and treatment of women. It has also shown just how far this society is off when it comes to understanding the value of women, family and civilized behavior. It has shown just how much celebrity,...

Black America’s preeminent leader performs another miracle

By Richard B. Muhammad - Editor There is an old joke that goes if Jesus got out of a boat and walked on water, today's media headlines would read: “Jesus can't swim!” Deliberately deceptive and dangerous mis-characterizations of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam take the modern Jesus reference out of the realm of humor and into...

The awful price of violence today and tomorrow

By Final Call News There was good news for six days in the city of Chicago: No one had been shot and killed. It's sad that such a small window without a gun death was major news because it flew in the face of almost daily reports that someone in the third largest city in America lost life at the barrel...