
Home Perspectives Editorials Page 26

The color of compassion

FINALCALL.COM Much of the country was tuned in to see the outcome of the trial of former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger, a White female, who was charged with murdering a Black man in his own home. She was found guilty by a jury, sentenced to 10 years in prison and embraced by the brother of the man she killed...

No rights a White man is bound to respect or protect?

If voting is the foundation of democracy and a sacred right of the citizens of any nation, the explosion of coverage about recent changes to voting laws in Georgia and pending voting rights legislation at the federal level should be getting intense scrutiny. And for Black folks who have invested so much into elections and voting, in particular in national...

Integrity and an image that impacted world history

When looking at a man’s life, sometimes it is the testimony and the words of those who loved him that speaks best to who he was. But, in other instances, it is not the words of those who loved and understood him but those who perhaps didn’t understand him, didn’t agree with him but who were forced to respect him. For...

When Hell freezes over …

By FinalCall.com News The proverbial phrase when “Hell Freezes Over” became a reality when Hell, Mich., some sixty miles from Detroit reached -4 degrees and as low as -27 degrees. Death spread across America in January as weather-related tragedies struck, including car and truck pile-ups and a homeless man was found frozen solid behind a building in Maryland. In a...

Conspiracy theories and unnecessary Black deaths

By FinalCall.com News When an emergency arises in Africa or elsewhere in the Black world, our vulnerability to those who provide care for us surfaces alongside the threat to life that must be responded to. Such vulnerability should lead to questions about who is providing the care and the service, their agenda and whether we are truly being served. Such questions about...

America’s Failing Democracy

By Final Call News The United States has tried to export and bludgeon nations into accepting her version of democracy. But the death of a system corrupted by big money, special interests and obstacles to the basic right to vote is on display in 2016 runs for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations. The GOP debacle is the biggest example of...

White Supremacy: America’s Original Sin

By Final Call News Many may feel comfortable condemning the Alt-Right, neo- Nazis, Klans-men and White Supremacists who gathered in Charlottesville, Va., but the true problem is America's underlying cancer of White Supremacy etched into the DNA of this nation. The torch carrying, swastika waving, black-shirted, Nazi saluting supporters of the Alt Right, who openly voice their disdain and hatred for...

Dark Days, Dark Deeds At The Southern Poverty Law Center?

FINALCALL.COM A major storm has brewed over the Southern Poverty Law Center with the recent resignation of its high-paid president and firing of its co-founder. Still troubling is how an “open secret” about organizational dysfunction, charges of racism, sexism and perhaps race-based hucksterism remained so and allowed the group to apparently run roughshod over the reputations of Black groups and...

Our Protecting Friend

FINALCALL.COM As a year and a decade closes, it is fitting to reflect on decisions made, work done and unfinished business ahead. For The Final Call newspaper, this time of year brings an additional somber recollection as 28 years ago, on December 26, 1991, our beloved editor-in-chief Abdul Wali Muhammad departed this life. In the life of institutions and nations, it is...

What about justice in America?

When President Biden met with Russian Vladimir Putin the subject of “misdeeds” by the former KBG agent were blasted in the American media. When Mr. Putin responded by questioning American respect for human rights and illegal actions on the world stage, the mainstream media started to howl. “Russian President Vladimir Putin displayed his ‘classic’ whataboutism play at the news conference...