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‘The damage is catastrophic and it is biblical’

The aftermath of Hurricane Ian leaves devastation, billions in damages Historic, catastrophic, biblical. These are just a few of the words being used to describe the destruction left behind after Hurricane Ian struck Florida before proceeding to pummel the eastern coastline of South Carolina and impact parts of North Carolina. As federal government agencies joined state and local authorities to...

Add it up! Taking bold action in the reparations fight for Black people

EVANSTON, Ill.—It’s true. Some Black residents of Evanston, an affluent small college town just north of Chicago, will receive city-funded reparations soon, according to a city official. “We have 122 who are in cue to receive their reparations benefit once the money is available,” said current Evanston fifth ward Alderman Bobby Burns. Evanston made major headlines in 2019 when then-fifth ward...

Hard work and dedication to a mighty mission

Each and every week, the Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) make sure that The Final Call newspaper is put into the hands of residents in cities large and small. The mission of the men who belong to the Nation of Islam is to make it known that Allah (God) has intervened in the affairs of the Black man and woman...

The challenges facing Black male educators   

There is a shortage of Black men in education, from classroom teaching to leadership roles such as principal. During the 2017-2018 school year, 7.8 million students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools were Black, making up 15 percent of the total student population, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Though there were about four million teachers...

The William Muhammad Agriculture Building

FCNNEWSSOURCE ( - On Nov. 12, Dr. Ridgely Muhammad announced that Muhammad Farms would name its planned agricultural training building and dormitory the “William Muhammad Agriculture Building,” in honor of Nation of Islam beloved pioneer, William Muhammad, who departed from us at the age of 104 three days later. Muhammad Farms had hoped to raise enough money to build the...

God’s wrath manifesting through the forces of nature Deadly tornados, flooding continue pummeling parts of America

By Charlene Muhammad CHARLENEM Deadly tornadoes, severe storms, and flooding ravaged America from coast to coast as proof of God's divine judgment against America as outlined in scripture and as taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. America is being chastised for her atrocities against the Black descendants of slaves and the Indigenous people which the country has annihilated. America can...

Black teens fight pressures of pre-marital sex

( - Listing the bombardment of negative media images and peer pressure as contributing factors, nearly half of Black teens feel pressured to have sex, according to a recent survey released by ESSENCE magazine and the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. A series of questions were posed to 1,500 Black youth ages 13-21 gauging their...


“I want to tell you right up front, you will not conquer this virus because it didn’t come from Wuhan. It did not come from Fort Detrick in Maryland because if you had made it, you would know how to handle what you made. But you don’t know this virus, it’s new, it’s different. It mutates and goes in...

Report and hearing reveal government surveillance of Americans’ financial data

“Look at the scripture, ‘Babylon is fallen, is fallen.’  Substitute America for Babylon. She’s unraveling. America is falling, is falling. Why are you falling America?  Because you have become the habitation of devils.  A hole for every foul person, a cage for every hateful bird.” —The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Unraveling of a Great Nation, February 23, 2020 Timeless words...