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Report: Kentucky policy unduly targets Blacks

( - A new report states that the disproportionate suspension of Black students over Whites from schools in Kentucky contributes to that state's academic achievement gap. "Unintended Consequences: The Impact of Zero Tolerance and other Exclusionary Policies on Kentucky Students," released Feb. 20, found that not only are Black students suspended at rates exceedingly higher than Whites, but that...

It’s Saviours’ Day – Special Coverage

Official Saviours' Day Information SiteThe Greatness of Master Fard Muhammad by Minister Louis Farrakhan ( - It's Saviours' Day and there's a buzz in the Black community of excitement and anticipation for the crowning event to Black History Month. It is the yearly commemoration of the Birth of Master Fard Muhammad, February 26, the Founder of the Nation of...

Women in Support of the Million Man March™

A dream realized in Newark (FCN, 12-22-2005)Farrakhan kicks off men-only tour for the Million Man March (FCN, 01-18-2005) WASHINGTON, D.C. ( - Very little is known about the women who played major roles in making the Million Man MarchTM a huge success. From the vision statement to the program to everything in between, contrary to popular opinion, women were...

Day of Purity spreads

( - Tired of teen shows, music and media presenting the message that everyone is having sex and it's “all good”? Join the ranks of others across the country who promoted the second Day of Purity, February 14. Cities from coast to coast held a variety of activities in protest of what they see as the “moral decay...

Black firefighter finds noose in Brooklyn firehouse

Nooses, Symbols Of Race Hatred, At Center Of Workplace Lawsuits (NY Times, 07-10-2000) NEW YORK ( - A New York City Black fireman told reporters at a February 10th press conference that the black hangman's noose, which he held up for them to see, was placed near his gear in a firehouse in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn. “I am...

Nation of Islam prepares for Saviours’ Day 2005

FCNNEWSSOURCE Saviours' Day 2005 Information  CHICAGO - ( - Around the country members of the Nation of Islam and the Black community are getting ready for Saviours' Day, the Crowning Event of Black History Month. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been preparing a historic message, “He Came That We May Have Life,” to be delivered on February 27th at Christ Universal...

Neo-con extremists push internment for American Muslims

( - Daniel Pipes--described by Law Professor Paul Campos of the University of Colorado as a “well-known neoconservative intellectual”--wrote in his daily column in the New York Sun on Dec. 28, 2004, that “yes, I do support the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.” Mr. Pipes continued: “given what was known and not known at the time,...

Pentagon’s Guantanamo tribunals are ruled illegal

JIM.LOBE A brief history of the U.S. military presence in Guantanamo Bay Cuba ( Sexual torture used at Guantanamo against Muslim detainees (Al Bawaba, 01-02-2005) WASHINGTON (IPS/GIN) - A U.S. federal court judge has ruled that military tribunals initiated by the Pentagon to determine the status of terrorist suspects held at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are unconstitutional...

New Yorkers march for affordable housing

Coalition for the HomelessCutbacks to Section 8 housing threaten increased homelessness (FCN, 05-02-2004)Hunger and homelessness: A continuing problem (FCN, 01-02-2004)The Poor Have No Voice (Minister Louis Farrakhan, 1993) NEW YORK ( - On Feb. 2, thousands of New York City housing activists called on politicians to take immediate action to guarantee housing for all New Yorkers. “Housing Here and Now”–an historic...

FBI silent on reports that it watches the Web

The Electronic Frontier Foundation HomepageBush presses for stepped-up Internet surveillance (FCN, 02-04-2004)ADL: Censoring the Internet on behalf of Israel (FPP/ 01-10-2001) NEW YORK (IPS/GIN) - Is the U.S. government spying on its citizens' email and Web surfing habits? The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a group that defends civil liberties on the Internet, believes the answer is probably “yes.” Earlier in January, the...