(FinalCall.com) – Tired of teen shows, music and media presenting the message that everyone is having sex and it’s “all good”? Join the ranks of others across the country who promoted the second Day of Purity, February 14. Cities from coast to coast held a variety of activities in protest of what they see as the “moral decay of youth.”

I say, shame on all of those who tell our youth that they do not have the willpower to delay sexual activity until marriage, or who lie to our youth about the consequences of sex outside of marriage.
-Rena Lindevaldsen, International Coordinator for the Day of Purity

“The event has been surprisingly well received,” said Rena Lindevaldsen, International Coordinator for the Day of Purity to The Final Call. “Last year we had 2000 churches and schools participating. All signs are that we’re going to exceed those numbers this year because more churches and organizations are getting involved.”

The Day of Purity is designed to offer youth of all ages, including those at the elementary and college levels as well as young adults, the opportunity to send a loud message that they can and will delay sexual activity until marriage.


In Ohio, Governor Bob Taft signed a proclamation declaring February 14, 2005 the Day of Purity throughout the state. He encourages youth to “show their support for abstinence and promote healthy and happy lifestyles.” His message echoes that of youth around the world who are tired of hearing the message that it’s unrealistic to expect them to abstain.

The celebration was started by Liberty Counsel. President and General Counsel of the group Mathew Staver said, “Now is the time for every one who is concerned about the moral depravity of this culture to stand with our youth. Millions of youth have rejected the MTV culture. They want to be respected for who they are instead of being viewed as sexual objects to be used or discarded at will.”

Ms. Lindevaldsen explained a common response to the Day of Purity. “Last year I appeared on CNN about the First Annual Day of Purity. A prominent feminist activist told me on that show ‘shame on you’ for promoting the Day of Purity. I say, shame on all of those who tell our youth that they do not have the willpower to delay sexual activity until marriage, or who lie to our youth about the consequences of sex outside of marriage.”

In Denver, Colo., the need for purity is demonstrated in a big way. Activities aren’t limited to one day, but several days in the month. February 27 is their Pure by Choice Rally held at the Denver Coliseum.

“We’re expecting 10,000 young people to participate in the program,” explained Dr. Marjorie Lewis of the Colorado Healthy Marriage Initiative to The Final Call. “We’ll be listening to speeches and the youth will take a chastity vow.”

Looking at the websites promoting purity would make the reader think this is just an issue for White youth.

“Yes, the event last year was much too White. Black youth need this information as well, so the organizers invited us early to get involved. We’ll be participating in greater numbers this year. We’re also having a Purity Ball for fathers and daughters this month too.”

Ms. Lindevaldsen also sees the need to get the message to the Black community. “We’re seeing a growing number of churches from the Black community getting involved. This is an important message that needs to get out to all of our youth.”

Everybody’s not doing it as the media may subtly proclaim. A recent NBC News and People Magazine poll reveals that 87 percent of teens aged 13 to 16 are not sexually active. Forty-two percent of teens who are not sexually active attribute that choice to religious or moral beliefs.

Unfortunately, countless youth are caught up in the lie that sex outside of marriage is healthy, safe and normal. Organizers feel youth deserve the truth about the physical, emotional and spiritual consequences of their choices to engage in sex before marriage.

“Parents, churches and community leaders need to do everything possible to rid our schools of the so-called ‘safe-sex’ message,” said Mr. Staver.