- Official Saviours’ Day Information Site
- The Greatness of Master Fard Muhammad by Minister Louis Farrakhan
(FinalCall.com) – It’s Saviours’ Day and there’s a buzz in the Black community of excitement and anticipation for the crowning event to Black History Month. It is the yearly commemoration of the Birth of Master Fard Muhammad, February 26, the Founder of the Nation of Islam.
The holy observance will culminate in the keynote address, “He Came That We May Have Life” by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on February 27 from Christ Universal Temple in Chicago, Ill. The speech will be viewed live via satellite and web cast across the country, as well as in the Caribbean and London, UK. On Saturday, February 26, mosques and study groups across the nation will participate in a web-casted prayer service from Mosque Maryam.
“The spirit is very high everywhere,” explained Minister Ishmael Muhammad, the assistant minister to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Coordinator of the Saviours’ Day event. “We expect to broadcast to over 100 cities reaching nearly 250,000 people and countless numbers via the Internet.”
“Our ticket sales indicate that the community is very excited about this event, also. They’re anxious to get an update on the Minister’s plans for the 10th Anniversary Commemoration of the Million Man Marchâ„¢. Saviours’ Day is truly the crowning event of Black History Month. When you look at Black History Month, this is the only national program that lives up to its billing.”
He added, “We always feature a timely message from the Minister that helps us, as a people, focus and improve our condition.”
Min. Ishmael is supported within the Central Region by great cities like Detroit, Indianapolis and Cleveland who are working hard to get the word out that Minister Farrakhan has a powerful message prepared for Saviours’ Day.
“We’re planning a youth Saviours’ Day event on Saturday,” Min. Damon Muhammad of Indianapolis told The Final Call. “They have their own venue. Our teens will run the event for the children. They will be discussing what they will do for the nation when they grow up. We’re also planning a gift exchange for the children.”
Here is a look at a round-up of Saviours’ Day events planned within the regions.
Atlanta is a hot spot because it is the site of the annual symposium hosted by Tavis Smiley, “The State of the Black Union,” which will be held at Rev. Eddie Long’s New Birth Missionary Baptist Church. The morning program is focused on “The Road to Health.” In the afternoon, Minister Farrakhan will participate in a forum on “Defining the African American Agenda.” For more information, visit www.tavistalks.com.
Regional Minister Abdul Sharieff Muhammad. “We have two locations where people can see the Minister. Before he comes on, we’re having a drill competition, a talent showcase for our youth and Min. Abdul Rahman will speak on Saviours’ Day with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.” The events begin on Friday with Jumu’ah prayer. That evening, there will be a gift exchange for the children and Saturday night a banquet will be held.
In Holly Springs, Miss., rappers Master P and Silk the Shocker will be featured in a youth program. There will also be a community health fair and banquet on Sunday.
Regional Minister Robert Muhammad has the Believers working tirelessly to make this Saviours’ Day an historic event. Support from the community has been strong and overwhelming.
The week before Saviours’ Day, the Believers sponsored five days of activities that included visiting Westbury Place Nursing Home to bring cheer to elders, a Saviours’ Day Opening Reception, a Community Family Worship Night hosted at Greater St. Paul’s Missionary Baptist Church, an All People’s Cultural Night held at the Shrine of the Black Madonna, a Reparations Town hall meeting, a Youth Social Night and a Youth Summit.
On Sunday, Feb. 27, the message of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan will be viewed at Texas Southern University H&PE Arena and will be free of charge due to personal donations and reserved seating sold. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee and Congressman Al Green covered the TSU usage fees with executive sponsorships and countless organizations have showed support.
With big cities like New York, Boston, and Newark, Saviours’ Day on the East Coast promises lots of activities. In New York, there will be Jumu’ah Prayer on Friday and Saturday will offer a youth talent extravaganza, congregational prayer and an after-service that features Min. Kevin Muhammad giving the children an oral history of the Nation of Islam.
In Boston, the weekend celebration will consist of a series of events, including free community workshops held at Roxbury Community College on Saturday. There will also be an oratorical contest for junior high and high school students. They will be competing for a $200 prize in each category. The competitors will present their lecture during the Saviours’ Day dinner at the mosque on Friday. The winner will be awarded their prize on Sunday. The prize will presented by the Chancellor of UMass Boston, Keith Motley. There will also be Public Safety Awards presented on Sunday.
In Newark, workshops will be Saturday at Hopewell Baptist Church, starting at 9 a.m., covering subjects on International Affairs; Education: “Is it the Lock or the Key”; and the Justice System.
The 10th Anniversary of the Million Man Marchâ„¢ will be celebrated this October in Washington, D.C., headquarters of the Mid-Atlantic Region. They’re planning a pre-show at the DC Armory before the Minister speaks. The program includes a martial arts demonstration and a school band performance.
“We’ve invited Ayanna Gregory (daughter of activist Dick Gregory) to sing, we’re planning a drill exhibition and a performance by a jazz band. Our attempt is to have a celebration with something for everyone. We want all of our people involved,” said Regional Minister Abdul Khadir Muhammad to The Final Call.
“Leading up to Saviours’ Day, we had a sacrifice day. We asked each Believer to take off from work February 18 to spend the day selling tickets for the venue. It was a great day. We were excited and the Believers hit the streets. We were all over the city selling tickets. The people were just waiting for us to come.”
In Baltimore, there will be Jumu’ah prayer on Friday, followed by a family outing with bowling and skating. Saturday evening, a dinner will highlight the children’s talent.
In Durham, N.C., Min. David Muhammad told The Final Call, “We will be in the community all day Friday, selling tickets and putting out flyers for the Saviours’ Day address on Sunday. On Saturday afternoon, the Sisters in the mosque will be preparing meals for Sunday.We have a long list of sponsors who have brought tickets for those who are not able to afford one. This is the second year that we have done this.”
“The spirit of the Western Region is very high going into this year’s Saviours’ Day,” said Regional Minister Tony Muhammad. “The beautiful part is the theme in which the Minister will be bringing the message to us from Allah. The city of Los Angeles is on fire as a result of the recent police killing of 13-year-old Devin Brown, while at the same time, gang murders were up over the last year.
“So the Minister’s theme couldn’t have come at a better time, and a movement, as a result of this police brutality and gang violence, has sparked in L.A. and the surrounding cities a huge rally scheduled for February 26, which is the Saviours’ Birth date.” The top four major radio stations in Los Angeles will be sponsoring the Stop the Killing and 10th Anniversary of the Million Man Marchâ„¢ rally.
Minister Rasul Muhammad, who is over the Seventh Region which covers Florida, the Caribbean, Central and South America, said, “On the 26th, we will gather in the Mosque for prayer. We will then go into our communities to sell tickets for Sunday’s event, and invite people to join us for Saviours’ Day. We will have a social gathering at the mosque, which will include a social dinner, after we return from our various communities.”
Min. Jamil has traveled the country, bringing the good news about Saviours’ Day to mosques and study groups. “This is one of the most widely anticipated Saviours’ Days in years,” he told The Final Call.
“Black America is looking for the opportunity to be grounded in righteous leadership. The nation is looking to 2005 to be one of the greatest years in our history. The race isn’t given to the swift, but to he who can endure to the end. Black America’s endurance is about to pay off. All we have to do is hold on and stay united.”
Charlene Muhammad, Jesse Muhammad and Saeed Muhammad contributed to this story.