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Cutting your losses

I recently met with a client who owned a family home. Eight years ago, his wife died and he moved to Cleveland for a better job. One of his adult children lived in the home for a few years and since that time he has sporadically rented the property. Even when rented, the house was a financial drain....

Immigration and anti-war movements unite in New York

Si Se Puede! The undocumented speak up - and America should listen (FCN, 04-10-2006) UNITED NATIONS ( - In advance of a massive mobilization of immigration and anti-war organizations coming together on Apr. 10 in New York for what is considered “A National Day of Action Rally for Immigrant Rights,” pro-immigration activists and mobilization organizers held a press conference Apr....

Creating family wealth

“Wealth is not about what you can acquire, but about what you can accomplish, and accomplishments take discipline, self-denial and, yes, time. To build wealth, to experience true abundance in our lives, we must go beyond meeting short-term needs and wants–a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, the ‘bling' of things quickly acquired and just as...

Energy must be properly guided

Have you ever seen people who have attended the gym year after year, but don't appear to be making any progress or weight loss? Yet, they may have lowered their blood pressure or increased their endurance, which are wonderful byproducts of maintaining a regimen. But when is the real building going to begin? It is almost like...

Defining the state of the Black male

Black men taking responsibility (Min. Louis Farrakhan, 11-14-2004)Finding 'Black Men First' on the frontlines (FCN, 02-17-2004) NEW YORK ( - Reaction to the March 20 New York Times front-page story, entitled “Plight Deepens for Black Men, Studies Warn,” has been varied, to say the least. In his article, Erick Eckholm reported that studies from Columbia University, Princeton and Harvard show...

Health care without borders

Medical group formed to address health disparities (FCN, 04-30-2003) LOS ANGELES ( - The pain streaking through her heart was unbearable; as was not knowing its origin. But Yesenia Flores did not have any health insurance, money or means to seek a doctor's care. She was led to Maria Vidal, a spiritual healer, who helped alleviate her pain. After...

Tragic shootings fuel call for assault weapons ban in Illinois

By Richard MuhammadStraightWords e-zine CHICAGO ( - As a second mother prepared to bury a daughter hit by a stray bullet in the Englewood neighborhood, the mayor and governor repeated demands that assault weapons should be banned in the state. But, for some, the outpouring of concern, marches, vigils and promises led to a question: What interest will remain once...

Turning the key to the South

The ‘Rock of the South' (FCN, 01-20-2004) ATLANTA ( - A little over a year ago, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan sent Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad to Muhammad's Mosque No. 15 to serve as the city's new minister. What a difference a year makes. The physical changes are obvious. The mosque has undergone a complete renovation. The sanctuary is a flattering copy...

Bush defends war, thousands protest

British Protesters Call Condoleezza Rice a War Criminal and Human Rights Abuser (Al Jazeera, 03-31-2006)The "War on Terror" Exposed (FCN Webcast, 05-03-2004) THE WHITE HOUSE ( - President George Bush cloaked himself in the blood of the martyrs who have died defending his Iraq war policy and assured reporters that his administration is “implementing a strategy that would lead...

Airing Uncle Sam’s dirty laundry

By Richard Muhammad Activists highlight U.S. human rights violations in Katrina failures (KIN) - Uncle Sam may want to spread democracy around the globe, but human rights violations suffered by Blacks, immigrants and the poor, during and after Hurricane Katrina, are haunting him. “The actual television images that people saw around the world shocked so many people,” said Chandra Bhatnagar, of...