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Japan: Safeguarding a mother tongue and mother nature

When asked what might be the most beautiful word in Shimamuni, the Indigenous language variety spoken on Okinoerabu Island in Kagoshima prefecture of southwestern Japan, Nami Sao pondered for a moment before replying “mihedirodoo.” Her husband, Tomoyuki Sao, is quick to elaborate that its utterance is always enlivened with a smile and tends to make fellow Shimamuni speakers noticeably more...

Increased Egyptian-Israeli tensions brewing from Gaza war

In a shocking development, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that Egyptian officials said they are considering downgrading diplomatic relations with Israel by possibly pulling their country’s ambassador in Tel Aviv. One report said this action is more like an increasing domino effect, resulting from Israel’s invasion of Rafah. “As we stand, there are no plans to suspend ties or...

Niger cut military ties with U.S. over Washington threats, Iran partnership: PM

Niger’s prime minister says the termination of military cooperation and bilateral relations between his country and the United States was due to American threats and Washington’s opposition to the African nation’s partnership with Iran and Russia. Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine told The Washington Post in an interview published on May 14 that the U.S. had tried to dictate what countries Niamey can have...

Neocolonialism: Venezuela says sanctions and war central axis of U.S. foreign policy

Venezuela’s Vice President has stated that sanctions, along with war, are the central axis of the foreign policy of the United States. Delcy Rodriguez highlighted on May 14 that the United States’ unilateral coercive actions aim to pressure Venezuela into altering its path of independence and self-determination and that the sanctions are new mechanisms of neocolonialism. She said through such unilateral coercive measures...

‘Time is running out’ to address crisis in Sudan

The international community must give greater attention and resources to war-ravaged Sudan, where millions are “trapped in an inferno of brutal violence,” the top UN aid official in the country said on May 15.  UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Clementine Nkweta-Salami, warned that “time is running out” as famine, disease and fighting close in on the population “and...

From Cuba and China, gestures of brotherhood

Díaz-Canel received Chen Zhou, vice-chief of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China “Welcome to our country,” said the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, on May 13 afternoon, with the emphasis he dedicates to true friends, upon receiving the...

Child migration through Panama’s dangerous Darien Gap is up 40 percent, UN report says

PANAMA CITY—Child migration through Panama’s dangerous Darien Gap is up 40 percent so far this year, according to a report released May 15 by the UN children’s agency. UNICEF said an estimated 30,000 children under age 18 have crossed the jungle-clad trail between Colombia and Panama, and some have died making the trip. The report says a total of 139,000 migrants of all...

New health law in South Africa addresses inequality, but critics say they’ll challenge it

JOHANNESBURG—South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on May 15 signed into law a bill that aims to overhaul the healthcare system to address deep inequality, but it faces legal challenges from critics. The law introduces what is known as National Health Insurance, which will provide funds for all South Africans to access private healthcare. Currently, 80 percent of the population relies on...

World Press Freedom Day observed amid retaliation aimed at media industry’s coverage of Gaza War

May 3rd was World Press Freedom Day. That date represents the anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration, a 1991 statement named for the capital of Namibia that asserted the need for “an independent and pluralistic African press.”  A Windhoek seminar focused on “promoting an independent and pluralistic African press” was held in partnership with other UN agencies such as UNDP (United...

U.S. mega-banks financed billions worth of Israel bonds amid war: Report

American mega-banks have underwritten billions of dollars in Israel bonds, including a substantial amount of $8 billion in March this year, despite U.S. colleges and university campuses witnessing massive pro-Palestinian protests. The Tel Aviv regime received $8 billion in bond underwriting from four major banks situated on Wall Street, the financial news website Wall Street, On Parade reported. The banks involved in this underwriting are...