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Cuba, U.S. in a battle over human rights

GENEVA (IPS)–Cuba has taken the offensive this year in the debate that pits Havana against Washington in the annual meeting of United Nations Commission on Human Rights. The Havana delegation to the Commission accused the United States of tolerating terrorism against Cuba and other countries and rejected a proposed resolution on its handling of human rights presented by...

Nervous Pakistanis asking ‘Are we next?’

ISLAMABAD (IPS)–Worries are growing here about the long-term implications of the war on Iraq for Pakistan, its ties with the United States as well as with rival neighbor India. At worst, many fear that what they call the policy of U.S. expansionism may soon be knocking at Pakistan’s doors. "What does war in Iraq mean for Pakistan?...

Protesters blast Israeli aggression

5 Palestinians killed when F-16 fires missile at car in Gaza (Israel's Haretz)International Press Centre (Palestinian National Authority) NEW YORK( activists were arrested after a March 27 demonstration in front of the New York branch of Israel’s Bank Leumi. A spokesman for the group, Ryan Senser, said they had gathered to raise awareness about the escalation of violence against Palestinians by...

African Union to develop continental defense policy

Birth of the African Union (FCN Special Coverage 07/14/2002)  African Union is made a reality (FCN Special Coverage 07/24/2001)   The Birth of the African Union (Min. Louis Farrakhan 07/2001)Scholars says West fears an African Union (FCN 05/08/2001)Leaders take step toward Nkrumah's dream of One Africa (FCN 03/2001)African leaders: 'Let us unite' (FCN Special Coverage 09/21/1999) JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (PANA)–Experts on the Common African Defense and Security...

U.S. peace plan for Palestine designed to defuse Arab anger over Iraq invasion?

DUBAI (IPS)--With the last of the U.S.-driven political reform conditions–the Palestinian parliament ratified the post of prime minister on March 18–Washington is expected to make good any time now its recent announcement of publishing the peace proposal. "Bush’s announcement is a damage-limiting exercise," said Rima Sabban, international relations professor at the Dubai University College. "With the Iraq...

French intellectuals see erosion of the U.S. image

PARIS (IPS)–Intellectuals are throwing their support to the political and popular French opposition to the U.S. war in Iraq. In new debates, books and columns, French analysts are going back to the days before Sept. 11, 2001 to recall U.S. interventions from Guatemala to Vietnam to Chile and beyond. Historian Christine Durandin argues in "La CIA en...

Zimbabwe looks to Asia for trade

Journalists see Zimbabwe's land crisis up close ( Special Report) HARARE, Zimbabwe (PANA)–Ostracized by her traditional European trading partners over alleged human rights abuses, Zimbabwe is looking to Asia and other developing countries for new trade opportunities to shore up its sagging economy, although analysts say the switch will take time to bear fruit. The southern African country is under political...

Protests build against genetically modified food

LONDON (IPS)–Protests were held around the world March 15 against genetically modified foods on World Consumer Rights Day. Protest meetings were held by about 250 consumer organizations under the wing of the London-based Consumers International. Meetings reportedly were held in many cities across Europe, Africa and Asia. In Jamaica, Consumers International launched a study into the prevalence...

New Israeli settlements pushing peace off the table

–NEWS ANALYSIS– JERUSALEM (IPS)–It’s clear that the new government will pursue a relentlessly right-wing agenda with peace far down on the list. Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz announced on a visit to the sprawling, fortress-like settlement of Ma’ale Adumim that the open space between the settlement and Jerusalem would be filled with new Jewish construction. The announcement illustrates the...

UN Report – UN members feeling heat from U.S. on Iraq war

UN launches inquiry into American spying (UK Guardian)American Corporate Media Dodging U.N. Surveillance Story (FAIR) UNITED NATIONS (–A London-based activist group, citing outrage over reports that the African country Angola is moving toward supporting the United States/United Kingdom resolution now being debated in the United Nations Security Council to declare war on Iraq, has called for world-wide demonstrations against Angolan...