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Mugabe urges stronger African unity

HARARE, Zimbabwe (PANA) - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe recently urged closer ties among African countries to counter-balance growing military unilateralism by Western powers. Opening a new Parliamentary session, the Zimbabwean leader accused big Western powers of preying on divided weaker nations in the Third World, citing the Iraq war as an example. Pres. Mugabe said the conflict in the Persian...

Afghanistan: 13 million need urgent medical attention

/GIN MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan (IPS/GIN) - Staring silently out of a window in the Shafakhan Mulki Hospital here, "Munira" contemplates an uncertain future in a country torn by a quarter century of superpower intervention and civil strife. The mother of four suffers from depression, insomnia, heart palpitations and apathy. "Hers is a case of panic attack and depressive disorder," explains Mohammed...

With body counts climbing, military families vent frustration over unproven Iraqi claims

( his dreams of climbing skies and racing through clouds since the age of eight, the family of United States Army Captain Konata Ato Crumbly said they always knew he would be a pilot. Captain Crumbly is in Iraq, along with 9,000 of his fellow soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division, who learned last week, via U.S. Secretary of...

African Union closes summit with tasks ahead

Bush's Goal: Bring African leaders in line with US policy Gadhafi to western powers: Treat Africa as equal partnerFCN Editorial - The two faces of Bush Reports on the African Union     MAPUTO, Mozambique (PANA)–The newly-elected chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, Alpha Oumar Konare of Mali, took the oath of office of the African Union (AU) shortly before the Union’s...

Gadhafi to western powers: Treat Africa as equal partner

MAPUTO, Mozambique (PANA) - The West "has eaten our flesh raw and committed historic crimes by engaging in the slave trade and making huge fortunes from it," Libya’s Colonel Muammar Gadhafi declared here July 12. Speaking at the end of the African Union (AU) summit in the Mozambiqan capital, the Libyan leader affirmed that the West in the past...

Fighting in Liberia continues

Sharpton in Africa to address Liberian crisis ACCRA, Ghana ( effort to hammer out an agreement to stop the heavy fighting in Monrovia moved slowly here July 21, even as word circulated that rebel forces on the ground in the Liberian capital city were resisting any effort to stop their forward motion toward the residence of President Charles Taylor. The...

Sharpton in Africa to address Liberian crisis

ECOWAS And MODEL Call On Lurd to Stop Fighting ( closely watch Bush in Africa  ACCRA, Ghana ( Rev. Al Sharpton, at the head of a delegation of religious clergy from the United States, hit the ground running here, landing in the early morning July 20 with a goal of visiting war-torn Liberia to try to bring stability to...

British wall of silence around Kenyan rape charges

/GIN Tales of Rape, Sodomy by British Soldiers (Inter Press Service) LONDON (IPS/GIN)--Attempts to investigate complaints that at least 650 Kenyan women were raped by British army soldiers over three decades have run into "a wall of silence," according to Amnesty International. Amnesty is demanding an independent inquiry into the complaints against British army soldiers sent to remote areas of...

Reparations lobby groups demand trillions of dollars for slavery

NAIROBI, Kenya (PANA)-Two lobby groups pressing for the return of resources looted from Africa by former colonial masters have intensified compensation claims from the United States and Britain ahead of President George Bush’s visit to the continent, starting July 8. The Pan African Reparations Movement and the Global African Congress are demanding $776 trillion from the two powers for...

Gadhafi: Reason for Bush’s trip to Africa?

Activists closely watch Bush in Africa Click here to read recent and past articles on the African Union  Why Liberia? Why Pres. Charles Taylor? (Column by A. Akbar Muhammad)In The Twilight Of Our Freedoms? (by Cynthia McKinney) THE WHITE HOUSE( George W. Bush left for his first visit to Africa July 7, confident that his administration will bring about a...